See? Quite bogus my friend, truly bogus.
CraftyZee wrote:
lol madbent >_>
Improvement. Not great, but better.
I hear ya with that one but they still got like a 30 sec repost times :/
Sons of female dogs!
How dare they slow the mighty down?
I just got uber busy with PvP. ML and FA reunion tour.
Hello gentlmen and ladies,
I and several of my close "business" partners will be returning to vector to engage in much win and nostalgia. I look forward to seeing old friends and old enemies and chilling out with both.
Do not forget, my friends, we...MUST...PROTECT...THIS... HOUUUSSSEEEEE!!!!
[FA]Tbone wrote:
F*ck me running.
<3 <3 <3 <3
I could sure go for some xLusidx right now.
Sad to be here for this, but any way lets go to enjoy these last days