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[8.2.2] The data leak has been resolved - Vector - 8/30/07
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 31, 2006
Messages: 8

Operatives, this incident concerning the Operative Blueplate and the Bluepills at the restaraunt has been fully investigated and indeed the Operative was malfunctioning.  This has been corrected by the Faction Ronin and no further action will be taken.




Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

This is far from acceptable. The actions of the Vectorite Machinists - BluePlate in particular - affects the public perception of our organization as a whole.  If Blueplate was indeed malfunctioning, he/she should not have been allowed into an operation where innocents were present. 

Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 25, 2005
Messages: 103

it was unknown until it was brought to our attention, also on another note, Pace was put into the field when she was not fully repaired i believe.  None the less it was still unknown until the mission was complete.

let me post the section of log thats missing something


Agent Pace: The System records that you were also responsible for the termination of a number of bluepills at the Chef's facility.
Brommerz77: Brommerz77 ROFL.
Agent Pace: I must make it clear that unnecessary termination of bluepills is not acceptable behavior for a System operative.
Agent Pace: I hope this is understood.
Yasamuu: Agreed.
Xitem: It's all about deletion isn't it? Not the work leading to it...
Gravedodger: Gravedodger poor blue.
BluePlate: Im broke i kill them all
DrBadTouch: Any other spots to check out pace.
ianfish: blueplate will be repaired
Agent Pace: Operative, if you require information, there are always System missions available to you.
ianfish: broke as in corrupted i beleive
Agent Pace: Thank you for your assistance today, operatives.


Message edited by ianfish on 09/02/2007 09:12:34.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

I don't see anything of consequence in that except - promising to repair the problem is beside the point. This shouldn't have happened to begin with.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1333
Location: Vector - Hostile

Nobody, and nothing, is perfect. So I will repeat what I have said before. Do everyone a favour and stop the drama, it achieves nothing.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

ianfish wrote:

okies, why would i want to chastise Blueplate, did you not read what i said, he was broken, i said this at the event and in my post here, i also said he would be repaired and i also said Ronin do not worry if it does not cut with others, there was no mention of us not caring about things.  Please get the facts straight before you have a go at me.  Was you at the event, i didn't see you soz?



You obviously didn't read my post thoroughly. I said I hope that the faction leader Chastises Blueplate and those who allowed him to be in that situation. Obviously if he was 'broken' then he was not responsible for his actions, in which case his superiors are responsible. 

So you say that Ronin do not worry if your explanation does not cut it with others...
Does that not mean that you don't care what others think?

Also, me not being part of the operation is beyond the point.

Oh and Brommerz77, just by saying 'stop the drama' does not mean that this will go away. As Starschwar says, you are seen as examples of Machinists on any instance not just Vector, this effects us all. Plus if our disgust at what happened and voicing our opinion goes toward preventing a similar problem occurring, then it will have achieved something.

Agent Pace may not have been fully repaired when she re-entered the service but she did not go on a rampage killing bluepills. Blueplate should have been constantly monitored as I'm sure Pace was.

Message edited by Croesis on 09/02/2007 10:43:33.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1333
Location: Vector - Hostile


Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 25, 2005
Messages: 103

ok for the last time, we found that Blueplate was malfunctioning at the same time as everyone else in that room did at the END of the event.  I do care what people think, hence the replies, i don't care if this explanation does not sit well, i have explained the actions.  How can you agree pace was not fully fit for duty and then try to blame us for putting an unfit operative in the field, should you now have a go at Agent Gray for putting back in the field.  And just to reafirm things, we found blueplate had malfunctioned at the END of the event.




Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

ianfish wrote:

ok for the last time, we found that Blueplate was malfunctioning at the same time as everyone else in that room did at the END of the event.  I do care what people think, hence the replies, i don't care if this explanation does not sit well, i have explained the actions.  How can you agree pace was not fully fit for duty and then try to blame us for putting an unfit operative in the field, should you now have a go at Agent Gray for putting back in the field.  And just to reafirm things, we found blueplate had malfunctioned at the END of the event.



I agreed nothing. I said she may not have been fully repaired but she was most likely being monitored. If you did not know that Blueplate was 'broken' then they are two different situations ie. Gray knew something was wrong, you didn't, so that argument is nullified.

If I may ask.. how did Blueplate get 'broken'?

Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 25, 2005
Messages: 103

There was never an argument to be had tbh, information on Ronin events do not belong here and you would have to be in Ronin to find out, sorry.




Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

ianfish wrote:

There was never an argument to be had tbh, information on Ronin events do not belong here and you would have to be in Ronin to find out, sorry.



Well, Machinists on Vector not in Ronin and those on the other instances can only comment on what we have seen. A persons behaviour does not simply corrupt, something has to instigate it.
Seeing as you are keeping the details to yourselves I can only voice what many others may be thinking. He was either attacked or interfered with.
You may have had knowledge of this event, in which case it was your duty to either keep him out of a situation where innocent blupills could get hurt or monitor the subject closely in case of abnormal behaviour just like we have seen.
If you were unaware of an attack or interference on the subject, then as soon as there was evidence of a problem you should have removed him from the situation in an effort to reduce the number of innocent casualties. Your lack of awareness to his first action of killing an innocent bluepill no doubt caused the rest of their deaths.

Message edited by Croesis on 09/02/2007 11:08:04.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Dec 2, 2006
Messages: 347

Awh -

I never thought  I would say this, but;

I miss the old Pace.SMILEY

Now she just acts like any other normal old cold agent.  I sort of miss her cute liaison programmed antics. 
Now she's kinda ... boring.SMILEY
Her previous programming made her such a unique character.  Now she's plain, boring, and she seems to think she is Gray. SMILEY

Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 25, 2005
Messages: 103

ok here is an out of character statement as you do not seem to be grasping what happened...


yes ppl can comment and i have told you/them what happened and what was said at the event, my faction does more that the dev supplied events, we do our own and as you are not in Ronin you will not know of them or possibly understand them, but they are inline with the storyline.  it just so happens that our own event episode and a server event have crossed lines here and to a degree this is possible, how else would events drive the story.  some of our events are cross org which benefits more than just Ronin, so we dont just do things for ourselves. again if its not clear to anyone, Blueplate's malfunction came to our knowledge after the end of the machine event, we may or may not have known about the problem but for the story we did not thus we could not tell anyone. i just dont understand why you cant accept that we did not know until everyone in that room knew, it would be like on day one of the matrix me saying morpheus will die on such a date(if i knew the date), would rather spoil the fun for those who took part in all that led upto that.  I will not comment any further here as i am feeling this is getting silly now, i have answered everyones comcerns i hope.





Joined: Aug 21, 2006
Messages: 3158

ianfish wrote:

There was never an argument to be had tbh, information on Ronin events do not belong here and you would have to be in Ronin to find out, sorry.




Here's an event. In Character, why would you not be persuaded to put someone down like BluePlate that just slaughters bluepills?

Or if you want to be true to the story, why don't you just go another org that are glad to kill bluepills.


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