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[8.2.2] The data leak has been resolved - Vector - 8/30/07
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Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

ianfish wrote:

ok here is an out of character statement as you do not seem to be grasping what happened...


yes ppl can comment and i have told you/them what happened and what was said at the event, my faction does more that the dev supplied events, we do our own and as you are not in Ronin you will not know of them or possibly understand them, but they are inline with the storyline.  it just so happens that our own event episode and a server event have crossed lines here and to a degree this is possible, how else would events drive the story.  some of our events are cross org which benefits more than just Ronin, so we dont just do things for ourselves. again if its not clear to anyone, Blueplate's malfunction came to our knowledge after the end of the machine event, we may or may not have known about the problem but for the story we did not thus we could not tell anyone. i just dont understand why you cant accept that we did not know until everyone in that room knew, it would be like on day one of the matrix me saying morpheus will die on such a date(if i knew the date), would rather spoil the fun for those who took part in all that led upto that.  I will not comment any further here as i am feeling this is getting silly now, i have answered everyones comcerns i hope.



((I fully accept that you may be involved in your own storyline, but as others such as myself are unaware of it and are commenting on events that happened in this LE. We RP on our own servers and on these threads, You cannot expect us just to ignore what has happened by saying, it's part of our RP so it's ok.

We only comment as to what we know, and if you cannot supply, IC, a reasonable explanation, other than 'he was broke, but he's better now' The you should expect some fully justified comments by other Machinists. Obviously you say that you have your explanation and don't worry if it doesn't cut it with others... fine but that does not mean we have to stop our own comments.

If you're RP effects other peoples RP then you really have to be prepared to include them, not totally but to a certain point. If they don't accept it, continuing an argument does little but inflame the situation.))

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4837
Location: The soul's eclipse

ianfish wrote:

yes ppl can comment and i have told you/them what happened and what was said at the event, my faction does more that the dev supplied events, we do our own and as you are not in Ronin you will not know of them or possibly understand them, but they are inline with the storyline.  it just so happens that our own event episode and a server event have crossed lines here and to a degree this is possible, how else would events drive the story.  some of our events are cross org which benefits more than just Ronin, so we dont just do things for ourselves. again if its not clear to anyone, Blueplate's malfunction came to our knowledge after the end of the machine event, we may or may not have known about the problem but for the story we did not thus we could not tell anyone. i just dont understand why you cant accept that we did not know until everyone in that room knew, it would be like on day one of the matrix me saying morpheus will die on such a date(if i knew the date), would rather spoil the fun for those who took part in all that led upto that.  I will not comment any further here as i am feeling this is getting silly now, i have answered everyones comcerns i hope.


No apology, no remorse, no excuse.

Let me assure all Vectorians that Ronin did not act on behalf of the machine organisation at large.  The brutal slaughter of innocent bluepills has never been, and will never be sanctioned.

May our children forgive us.

(Edited for exceptionally bad grammar)

Message edited by exsuscito on 09/02/2007 12:22:03.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

exsuscito wrote:
No apology, no remorse, no excuse.

Let me assure all Vectorians that Ronin did not act on behalf of the machine organisation at large.  The brutal slaughter of innocent bluepills has never been, and will never be sanctioned.

May our children forgive us.

I am sure that not only Vectorians but Machinists from the other instances will be pleased to hear that. I know I am.

(Edited to correspond to exsuscito's edit)

Message edited by Croesis on 09/02/2007 13:34:28.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

((There seems to be a major communication problem here, so let me clear a few things up on an OOC basis:

1. I'm fully aware that the actions of Blueplate were stemming from your own RP Events.

2. I'm also aware, both in/out of character that Blueplate's status was unknown untill after the bluepills were dead.

3. That said, let me clear up the In Character side of things:  Blueplate killed the bluepills, and I'm holding his/her leadership accountable. Starschwar will not accept "we didn't know that Blueplate was broken, but now is fixed" as the end of this incident.

4. To summarize: Everything's cool on an out of character basis. On the RP side of things, this won't be going away.



Joined: Sep 22, 2005
Messages: 700
Location: Kentucky, USA Organization: Machines Specialization: All around operative.

I'm not going to take sides on this matter, but I will input:
I, as well as my regiment, do not condone killing of non-hostiles in a hostile situation.
However, whatever happened has happened - crying over spilled milk won't fix what's been done.
Remember, our superiors have ordered the killing of bluepills before to make sure they're not awakened to Zion's treachery. It's a sad, but true fact on how we operate.
It's not a matter of how people view our organization, it's like a liberal controlled media - showing what they WANT you to see. What they don't see on the inside of us, outside the lies and cover up, is our exceptional ability to carry out operations and missions with precision and grace.

Blueplate's actions occurred, it's over and done with. Perhaps once he is repaired, he'll be able to resume regular operational duty. A small error in a program (I'm guessing he's a program) make up and/or targeting parameters and all hell breaks loose. We need to move on with our real missions - it's small arguments like this that tear us apart - to win this war, we need to stand together, shoulder to shoulder with our superiors and ensure our race's survival through this turbulent time.
On that comment, to any Zionists that wish to argue the 'race survival' point, I mean those that stand behind the Machines - not people who don't hold their words to a Truce that was needed to ensure our survival in the first place.

Once again, my regiment does not condone killing of innocents or 'blues' in red territory. Non-combatants should never be engaged unless they a clear threat, thus making them combatants. It's the game of war.
But what's done is done. Learn from this operation and look forward to our next one.

Message edited by Travi on 09/02/2007 13:47:16.

Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 25, 2005
Messages: 103

ok, i lied i will respond, bluepate was broken, we found this out after the event, she has been fixed, what would the machine org have me do now?


ooc.....ex i expect nothing less from you, what will you have me do take Ronin merv or zion as someone suggests, seriously, where would that leave us machines?, there are few of us as it is.  yes i do recall that bluepills were targets some time ago, memory is a bit sketchy on that tho

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

ianfish wrote:

ok, i lied i will respond, bluepate was broken, we found this out after the event, she has been fixed, what would the machine org have me do now?

Take responsibility , appologise, and take steps to ensure the stability of those under your command so that this never happens again.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

ianfish wrote:

 yes i do recall that bluepills were targets some time ago, memory is a bit sketchy on that tho

((Pace had operatives kill a bluepill that was targeted by Zion for extraction so as to infiltrate and sabotage a REP. ))

Free Mind

Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 42
Location: London, England

Travi wrote:

Remember, our superiors have ordered the killing of bluepills before to make sure they're not awakened to Zion's treachery. It's a sad, but true fact on how we operate.

Heh, that's pretty amusing. Ever heard of the saying "Follow one’s chosen leader faithfully but not blindly?"

Though then again, I guess you might be the kind of guy who likes just killing people.
Good thing you work for the machines then! Looks like they'll just let you off with a slap on the wrist! "Naughty Naughty, don't do it again!"

Funny how in the Matrix, the Machines are the law and order watching over the everyday bluepills. If a bluepill goes on a killing spree, he'd (presumably) be arrested and either incarcerated or executed. Guess you're lucky then if you have sociopathic tendencies and get awakened. Then just sign up with the machines and Wahay! Murder to your hearts content. Don't worry, Pace will give you a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

Message edited by TheMagus on 09/07/2007 10:58:25.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Zion is certainly not innocent of causing deaths of Bluepills for their own gain. Whilst this does not make what happened any easier to bear, it does mean that that particular avenue of propaganda can be used against you.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4837
Location: The soul's eclipse

ianfish wrote:

ooc.....ex i expect nothing less from you, what will you have me do take Ronin merv or zion as someone suggests, seriously, where would that leave us machines?, there are few of us as it is. 

((If you do wish to reiterate some past disdain towards me, please do so in the comfort of PM's, or in-game.  It has no place on a public forum, and is totally irrelevant to the subject matter within the thread.))

"The faction member was broken.  We were unaware of this at the time.  They have since been fixed." 

Based on the evidence at hand, I just don't buy that.  It smacks of desperately covering up the faction member's indiscretion in order to preserve the public perception of the faction.  

I notice that you have not yet apologised, nor shown any remorse towards the lives you so mercilessly snatched away from those innocents.  They weren't regrettable collateral damage, they weren't killed in-the-line as soldiers.  They were savaged, and murdered for fun.  I see ill-conceived actions based on unfiltered impulse, and nothing more. 

Even if what you say is true (and especially if it's not), the faction member in question should be heavily reprimanded, subject to further investigation. 

Whether exiled, organic or synthetic, this was a sad day for us all.  As your faction will not, I personally apologise for the unfortunate incident on behalf of the machine organisation on all instances. 

We can only hope that our future actions go some way towards correcting this error of judgement, and ensure that their lives were not lost in vain.      

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3275
Location: Lost in La Mancha

ChrisLiebing wrote:
Chef: Hey! Staff-only behind the counter, young man.


General point:  Don't mess with a LE.  Aside from the obvious things, like swearing, spamming, or generrally behaving like a spastic 12-year old WoW reject.  One would think that coming up on 3 years the MxO population would have weeded out that sort of thing by now.  But more direct abuse of the LE's, well...

Example One:  A character on Recursion during a Merv LE kept sneaking in the room we were in and shutting off the lights.  Now, this person was interfering with Rare's ability to screenshot this LE which we have for the whole MxO population.

Example Two:  Blueplate's killing spree.  I don't care what cockamamie backstory you all have conjured up after the fact.  Even if it were so, a faction's personal RP ends the moment a LE starts.  It's not like Rare has time to factor in every faction's RPing on a whole server beforehand.  Again, these LE's are for the whole MxO's population's benefit.  Not just your own factions.

You get the idea.

Free Mind

Joined: Jun 26, 2007
Messages: 42
Location: London, England

Hmm. Indeed.

Message edited by TheMagus on 09/07/2007 11:00:52.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4217
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

The_Big_V wrote:

...a faction's personal RP ends the moment a LE starts.  It's not like Rare has time to factor in every faction's RPing on a whole server beforehand.

(( I won't go that far. There's room for other people's RP, as long as it doesn't actually disrupt the event. My character's behaviour when encountering LE characters is built upon his past and that of his faction. I'm not gonna throw that out the window 'cos it's a Dev on the other side.

Having said that, I won't (intentionally) do anything to disrupt the event. There are degrees. ))


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 212
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Interesting event.

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