S1: if it equals S1 + S2 + .... S10, S2 - S10 must collectively equal zero.S2: # trueS3: true unless # > S1, pretty much guaranteed to be trueS4: # = S4S5: false if there's a negative number, has to be falseS6: average, but we know that the sum is s1, so we can re-write as s1/6.S7: true if s4 > s2S8: S1/S8, which can be rewritten as +/- sqrt(S1)S9: true if S6 = (s2-s4) - (s8 * s4)S10: must be a negative integer because when S1 > 36, a negative S8 would decrease more slowly than a positive S6 grew. For numbers < 36, S1 can't be both divisible by 6 and a square root of something.Working through this we come to the equilibrium situation where:S1:S2: 2S3: trueS4: 2S5: falseS6:S7: falseS8: S9: trueS10:Otherwise you get into a mess where you have s2 and s4 both equalling 1 which doesn't work, so on so forth. However in order for this situation to exist we need the unlikely constraint of s9 to be true. That means S6 = (S2-S4) - (S8*S4).Rewriting that,S1/6 = 0 - ( +/- 2root(S1) ). Because S6 is positive, S8 has to be negative. So, S1/6 = 2sqrt(S1), bring it over, S1/6 - 2sqrt(S1). There's a solution to this equation where S1 = 144. With this, everything falls into place.S1: 144S2: 2S3: trueS4: 2S5: falseS6: 24S7: falseS8: -12S9: trueS10: -16