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EPN sets off code bombs?
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Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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ShiXinFeng wrote:
Also, how do you know a body is left behind? All you see is him falling and then a funeral. There is enough room there to speculate that they buried an empty coffin.
Phrack wrote:
The fact is that there are significant (intentional or unintentional) plotholes here that make it impossible to obtain straight answers.  Without those straight answers, it's impossible to argue the point.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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A code bomb works like this.

It detonates and reveals the code around the area of detiniation any redpill in the area are affected aswell haveing their own code revealed as well. HOWEVER! This is not going to happen 100% of the time for every blue in the area. Some see it BUT some do not. In the 4.2 machine crits Machien ops interview several people that were at one of the sights of detination but described the whole thing as just being a bright light and when they could see again nticed a few were dead. Meaning not everyone is awakened if they are in the blast radius.

Also Morpheus death count is greatly over exagerated as all three controller's at the time confirmed that they had ships there to pick up those that were affected. Very few in fact drowned in their pods.

Mainframe Invader

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Which archives were those?

Systemic Anomaly

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Vinia wrote:
Which archives were those?

Not in the mission arcives but in the World Event notice archives.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 22, 2006
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Phrack wrote:
Personally, I've always been finicky about the concept that code bombs "kill" bluepills at all.

I've never seen a shred of evidence to suggest that this would happen, other than the RP of other players who assume that code bombs do kill bluepills.  Other than that, the only other thing that would even slightly suggest that they would result in the deaths of bluepills are the scattered bluepill bodies that remain after a detonation...  but we should be smarter than to believe that.  Remember, Michael Popper woke up on his own, and it left a "dead body" behind too.

Death in the Matrix != Death in the Real.
Mr. Popper is among the 1% of the human population that can handle the fact that his reality is not real.  Furthermore, the fact that he is significantly closer to the Age Of Extraction increases his chances of being within that 1% margin.  Bluepills die because 99% of them cannot handle the fact that everything they do, all they've worked for, all they love, is meaningless and nonexistent; the trauma is so massive that they suffer highly advanced forms of Conversion Disorder, resulting in death.

Systemic Anomaly

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Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Chemuel wrote:
Phrack wrote:
Personally, I've always been finicky about the concept that code bombs "kill" bluepills at all.

I've never seen a shred of evidence to suggest that this would happen, other than the RP of other players who assume that code bombs do kill bluepills.  Other than that, the only other thing that would even slightly suggest that they would result in the deaths of bluepills are the scattered bluepill bodies that remain after a detonation...  but we should be smarter than to believe that.  Remember, Michael Popper woke up on his own, and it left a "dead body" behind too.

Death in the Matrix != Death in the Real.
Mr. Popper is among the 1% of the human population that can handle the fact that his reality is not real.  Furthermore, the fact that he is significantly closer to the Age Of Extraction increases his chances of being within that 1% margin.  Bluepills die because 99% of them cannot handle the fact that everything they do, all they've worked for, all they love, is meaningless and nonexistent; the trauma is so massive that they suffer highly advanced forms of Conversion Disorder, resulting in death.

Wrong, the percentage is not about who can or can not handle the truth. It is who does and does not want to know it in other words, the percentage of who all would become aware of the truth on their own. 99% don't care about the truth and are not aware that what they live in is not the truth. 1% doe care, and is slightly aware that it is not teh truth. 

The ability to handle to handle the truth is not reserved to only the 1% as even they sometimes have a hard time. Which is why Zion installed an age limit because even those of the 1% but had passed the age limit could not handle what the truth meant. Cypher is a case in point just not as extreme as most like to make it out to be.

Femme Fatale

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Phrack wrote:

But it does lend question into Machine "efficiency."  The concept that the Machines allow people to leave from the simulation to avoid a system-wide catastrophe makes sense.  But allowing them to create their own city, breed, build defenses against the Machines, then actively seek out and wake up others doesn't make sense.  Especially when you consider that the Machines already intend to kill them anyway.

If they have to allow them to wake up, seems to me like it would make more sense to kill them immediately upon awakening.  No muss, no fuss.

The Machines created Zion, to be used during each cycle of the Matrix as the safety valve for the 1% that didn't accept the simulation.  (Or rather, those members of the 1% that survived and made it out of the Matrix.)  The thing is, it had to be as believable as possible...the humans who were extracted from the Matrix had to believe the Machines didn't know where Zion was (and couldn't destroy the city any time they chose), and the programs that chased them couldn't be allowed to know the Machines had anything to do with setting up the city as that safety valve.

And I believe it's unlikely there would be survivors from the previous version of Zion once it was destroyed.  It's more probable that the bluepills the One chose to begin the repopulation of Zion after its destruction would have their memories altered -- maybe to make them think they were the last of Zion's previous population; or possibly that they'd survived the initial war with the Machines in the 21st century, and they were the first to take refuge in the secret underground city that had been built as a defense against Machine attacks.  And when they were able to venture back into the Matrix as redpills, the Oracle would have fed them the story of the prophecy of the One.



EDIT: Morpheus admits to knowing the code bombs will kill bluepills to the Oracle in one of the cinematics, I believe...I'm not sure which one it is.

Message edited by Illyria22 on 06/29/2008 14:32:43.

Systemic Anomaly

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Illyria22 wrote:

EDIT: Morpheus admits to knowing the code bombs will kill bluepills to the Oracle in one of the cinematics, I believe...I'm not sure which one it is.

Check again, the only cinematic we have with the two together he starts off by explaining that his idea of winning the war was the the machines and many within the Matrix would all have to die, but the next years would be spent restoring everything. He then reflects that Neo found a way to find peace without such needless killing. Then he questions her about what has happened to Neo's remains to which she replies "Sounds like you found your new purpose" and he asks in reply, "But is it right? Will I be successful?" He does not admit to knowing what code bombs would do, he doesn't even mention them.


Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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So this isn't an admission of his willingness to murder



Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Illyria22 wrote:

So this isn't an admission of his willingness to murder



Its shows a willingness to prior events but not the current. Also your argument was that he admited to knowing his code bombs could kill, not that he was willing to kill.

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