((Honestly, i felt he under analyzed it. If he'd accurately looked at it, he would have realised what we were up against and evaluated all circumstances. I found it an impatient knee-jerk reaction, which I wouldn't normally expect from an Agent))
(( This is what I expect from an Agent: Johnson, Gray, and Miller appear, followed by:
Agent Johnson: Unlimit Beirn... Agent Gray: Cease your activity... Agent Miller: And surrender.... Agent Gray: Your escape is... ALL: Impossible.
Agent Gray's Kill Code affects Beirn. Beirn was just killed by Agent Gray. ))
(( Then I /ribkick the corpse. ))
That was a fun event just took forever for Lady P to show up. Nice oppostion play by the machines.
Iovai wrote:((Where was the Zion Zerg? Lawl.))... Well, that was... useful. Really doesnt exist on Vector too much anymore
((Where was the Zion Zerg? Lawl.))... Well, that was... useful.
((Where was the Zion Zerg? Lawl.))
... Well, that was... useful.
[[Hook me up with a pre-made 50 and I'd go vector mech. ]]
NightTrace wrote:[[Hook me up with a pre-made 50 and I'd go vector mech. ]] ((Only if you were to rock an RR tag ))
Some odd reason, I think of Freakazoid! when I look at this photo. "Hi, you must be Duncan. LETS WRESTLE"