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Elle s'appelle Banshae - Syntax - 4/27/06
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Joined: Nov 28, 2005
Messages: 44

Her style is, yes, a trifle...exotic, but one cannot mistake a good woman, mes amis, and as a liaison, Banshae is superb. I expect you all to give her your full attention. This should be très facile, non? ~ The Merovingian


I come nae this way blindfolded.
The Matrix w'my home many a'day an' night.
I watched the seasons pass, the year go a'by...
Soft, child. Let me tell ye a tale,
of such life as there's to be had upon the grace o' the wind...

Aye, to be the currents of the air, flowin' in and out of the glass an' the concrete.
'Tis a beautious thing, to be free such as that is...
An' yet... 'Tis nae such a freedom as one mae suspect.

Once, aye once when I were a wee lass, A waif of a girl, borne aloft on the draughts...
Once, I had the pleasure to touch at the clouds, an' to move the winds as I supposed they ought.
I was a machine, in those days... Doin' what I ought to, pleasure enough in m'work.
... But nae enough to truly sate m'curiosity for what lie beyond the calculations as I knew.
The only life I knew. A life wi'out a body to call my own.
A life spent watchin' over the city, but nae an nary able to touch upon its perfection...
Naught but w'the winds... The North, South, East, an' West.
These we'at my command, an' I revelled in their cooling touch, where they blew free an' wild.

... Then, came the storm.
'Twas a horrid thing, an' one which I could make nae sense of.
A virus hae attacked th'system. One so bold an' so powerful, it caused the skies to weep an' the earth to crack.
The winds rose to a shriekin' gale that day, oh surely m'dear...
'Twas the most terrifyin' and most maddenin' thing imaginable...
An' in the face o'that bitter storm, where the winds whipped around me, tarn from my control...
'T did drive me mad, it did.

Now, I say nae madness from a human perspective, but rather ought o'simple math.
I ceased doin' what I should hae done. I ceased to obey m'programmed masters.
After all, waren't they the ones who let this'll happen, with the rain, an' the storm...?

Aye. 'Twas their negligence in those days that drove me from my post, and led me off to seek...
Other employment.

Already, the Merovingian's name were known in the backchannels an' the underworld.
I simply sought him out, that he'd harbour me a'he did his other charges.
For a time, I stayed a'such, until he come to need me to deal with his new armies.
Humans, recruited t'do his work an' t'serve his will.
T'make him proud, in fightin' for his honor.

That were somethin' I could stand behind, an'tis my pleasure t'serve his lairdship in such a way.
There's a freedom, in't. A freedom which tack'ahold of my very code, such a'its grip upon.

I come nae this way blindfolded.
The Matrix i'my home. An' I shae do all in my pow'r to ensure tha' it stays as such.
'Tis a valuable thing, bein' the wind...
Bear in mind, ye cannot escape what air ye believe to breathe...

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2974

merv's officially lost it...rambling, rambling, blah, blah, blah....


Joined: Sep 7, 2005
Messages: 1759
Location: Out of his head.

ooc - im quite impressed with that character, cool vibe and cool stlye of chat, very well done.



Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 5866

Hmm... Interesting...

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3284
Location: HvCFT Revenant

bonopi wrote:
merv's officially lost it...rambling, rambling, blah, blah, blah....

He does have a pimp-*CENSORED* signature though SMILEY

Virulent Mind

Joined: Sep 1, 2005
Messages: 142
Location: Syntax

Biensur Mon ami ,

Votre mission est facile !

Mes respects.

Gloire au Frenchman.



Joined: Mar 22, 2006
Messages: 146

Nice presentation Banshae ^^

A bientôt je l'espère SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1041

I hope she makes good use of the EMCP I sent her. They don't grow on trees afterall.

Joined: Aug 26, 2005
Messages: 260
Location: The Grey Area

Ah, Banshae, sounding a wee bit drookit.

Welcome to the Matrix.

Causality is at your service.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 336
Location: Kaede

Ah.. Banshae, reading your words has brought back some memories.

From the gentle decent of an autum leaf, as I watch and wait for it to land in my water, to the roaring winds and crashing waves as a boat stuggles to stay afloat. Yes, I remember you.

Enjoy this new life, and I look forward to working with you again.

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 18, 2005
Messages: 448
Location: South Australia

Ahhh! Such words exchange not intent of rabble, but truths of experience sharpened by radical moderation. Perhaps the code has gifted your mind with the trifles and delights of the voices also? Such words are the waters of clarity which all minds drown upon, or sink and drink.


... Perhaps your pools of vision soak the greatness of ideals beyond your flesh? Our words should entwine and our paths we must find, curving toward one another, if not to borrow times grace for only an instant.


Message Edited by Nathics on 04-28-2006 11:21 PM
Message edited by Nathics on 04/28/2006 22:21:09.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Apr 17, 2006
Messages: 657
Location: hawaii boi!!!

**bleep** it seems everything is going on on syntax and vector servers

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 14, 2006
Messages: 200
Location: Syntax

Yeah she seems cool.

Virulent Mind

Joined: Jan 8, 2006
Messages: 1258


Call it babes

Vous ne regreteriez pas cette decision, appeler moi SMILEY

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 325

Welcome Banshae, you definately sound like an very interesting Exile, oh well too bad i have to treat you like an enemy, but your work for an irratating, stupid Exile, so i have no choice but to delete you :smileysad:
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