Message Edited by Echosnare on 09-20-2005 11:48 AM
Nano, warwraith and Echosnare make good points. Particularly the one about how it's unfair to tell them to move at the same time as shooting them down for telling us to move. They don't see why there's an issue and, frankly, they might, MIGHT, be right. They do raise some good points and here's my rebuttal:
Why I have a problem with Mara being PvP-Central:
Why I have a problem with PvP in general:
Why I am level 30 after 360 hours:
So that's a summary of my issues. Please respond (in a civil fashion), because I'd really like to sort this out. At the moment, the servers are split, fractured and divided (and that's in terms of the players, not the orgs), and we could do so much more it we worked together (at least, outside of the game).
I am levelling a char on syntax at the moment. Put in a few hours and shes now 14 i think. I've had some pvp experience on these servers and I'd fight somone my level only for a level 50 to nuke me. Now aside from this which didn't happen that often I found another hilarious game to play. I call it the pipe game. To begin you turn on pvp, hyper jump and bounce around a bit till you have people folllowing you. Then you get to the pipe up the side of the building and move down to just below the second window. No low level killing for them.