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PVP AND YOU...(or, pvp and me)....(or, what's the problem shmo')
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Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 205

Ok I think warwraith and Nano have more or less stated in more articulate terms what I was saying.


Zenshin - I was going to add to my first statement RPing but didn't because I have several friends who RPed on hostile servers and reached 50 long ago. Not surprisingly I'm on Vector. I chose enumerator originally for the RP aspect of that I could die at any point. I just fail to see how anyone could be level 30 after 360 hours play. Even if you dedicated one day a week of play to level with friends you could still RP the rest of the time and enjoy the benefits of being higher (better disguises etc) - I levelled with faction members and it wasn't about the levelling it was a social activity.


What I'm trying to say is that you can RP anywhere - PVP is limited to where people are known to gather. Trying to get us to move is inconsiderate. Besides - theres not much at mara to RP about unless you count the church which you'll barely find people in. Plus if you are Roleplaying you should be expecting attacks at any moment. Being able to respond to them and work a story is what lept my friends going.


Edit to reeply to templar


Again you are still living in cloud cookoo land. How can you expect a large number of people to stop what they enjoy in a certain place for the benefit of a minority. You can phrase it as politely as you like but people wont listen - believe me I tried on input to make pvp less random and get some large scale battles going (the attempt failed because the people who were supposed to be contacting other orgs didn't so about 50 zion showed up and twiddled their thumbs).


Message Edited by Echosnare on 09-20-2005 11:48 AM
Message edited by Echosnare on 09/20/2005 10:48:10.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 288

I am still a little confused.....

 I just can't understand what the problem is. I mean, i fully respect the opinions of those who don't pvp, but I don't understand why it's an issue..(I've read most of the posts up to this point; several of them are so long and repetitive I couldn't finish them without dozing off every few lines)

 If you are on a hostile server ( I am not, and so i can only assume), it must be a pain in the behind to interact in a "RP" kind of way because even Neo and Smith had quite conversations... yes; always followed by excessive violence and mayhem, but there was still a level of interaction there. (i think we are in dire need of witty retorts and plot thickening banter).. I would think that being on a hostile server would force a lvl of community that is needed to survive in a hostile environment..again I'm not on a hostile server so this is an assumption, but i digress...

  The only world i know is Recursion, and there for I can only speak, without assumption to what i know.. PVP has never bothered me; when i was a "wee lad" I didn't PVP because doing so would have been futile. I did what every new "red pill" did, i ran missions and enjoyed the life of simple eloquence, killing low lvl mobs and running the the invincable higher lvl players..

 PVP was a show, wether i was chatting between missions or buying abilities from those able to craft them. I liked the pvp, very "Roman Games". Lag, you i had my fair share, and as much of a pain as it was at the time, it didn't ruin my game (it may ruin yours, everyone deals with this at differant levels, some bad some realy bad, and i feel for those that have it realy bad).

 Now I'm a big boy, heading for lvl 47, and PVP is just getting fun.. it's a chance for people to show thier ability in a strategic fight to the death. I still die constantly, I can still can barely touch anyone out there who is flagged, and I still enjoy it

 Yes this is too long, but I just don't see the problem and i realy didn't want this to become a b*tch fest for all you stuborn people. i realy just wanted to hear decisive, clear points on the issue so i could understand everyones side.

   ( maybe i should keep my posts to the ability forums were no-one goes.... but then I'd never gat an answer either way...)

Joined: Aug 23, 2005
Messages: 134

Nano, warwraith and Echosnare make good points. Particularly the one about how it's unfair to tell them to move at the same time as shooting them down for telling us to move.  They don't see why there's an issue and, frankly, they might, MIGHT, be right. They do raise some good points and here's my rebuttal:

Why I have a problem with Mara being PvP-Central:

  1. I often run missions with my crew (much lower level than me) to help them out. Sometimes those missions take me into Mara (so unless you think it's fair that I abort any mission that sends me to Mara, I HAVE to go there). It's not like I can just avoid the area (although I try as far as possible).

  2. I'm running a 64-bit 4Ghz processor, 1Gb RAM, 256Mb 3D graphics card and 8Mb broadband (although it only runs at 6Mb :smileymad: ), and I still lag out to almost unplayable levels going to Mara. I've often had people crash out of the game (and thus the mission) by having to go to Mara, and that just isn't right.

  3. There are plenty of other places where PvP can happen (sure, it'll be a little work to move it, but how is it any more fair for us to have the above problems).

Why I have a problem with PvP in general:

  1. I'd also like to PvP occacsionally. I'll certainly agree with you that it's fun. However, there are a few inconsiderate level 50 people that'll gank ANYONE. That behaviour effectively means that people below aorund level 40 have enormous trouble trying to PvP. Sure, there are a few, but the rest of us gave up long ago.

  2. A nice solution to that would be if the PvPers themselves controlled this. If anyone sees a level 50 constantly ganking on lower level characters, take him out a few times and let him see how he likes it. Of course... that's probably wishful thinking. I don't think the PvP community cares about anyone else enough to do it (of course, I'd LOVE you to prove me wrong, cause then I can PvP with groups at my level too).

  3. So many things are already limited in level (PB, live events while they existed, most player events like MA tourneys etc.) that it really grates to have this taken away from me as well.

Why I am level 30 after 360 hours:

  1. Believe it or not, there are more things to do in the Matrix than mission. There's people to meet, recruiting to do, code-bits and red frags to farm etc. I resent the implication that my game-play is "sub-standard" just because I do others things as well. If you want to only grind missions and then beat up people lower than you, go play single player games and stop being such a bully.

  2. Given the above, I'v probably only spent around 120 hours actually trying to level. At 10 minutes a mission (incl. decomp, travel etc.) that gives me 720 missions. Even on Hard, it takes me around 25 missions to level. 720 missions / 25 missions per level = 28.8 levels, so I'm actually exactly where I should be.

  3. Don't just assume that because I do other things I am inferior... or I'll start exploring the boundaries of my vocabulary on you :smileytongue: . And that would be a death worse than fate...

So that's a summary of my issues. Please respond (in a civil fashion), because I'd really like to sort this out. At the moment, the servers are split, fractured and divided (and that's in terms of the players, not the orgs), and we could do so much more it we worked together (at least, outside of the game).

Joined: Aug 26, 2005
Messages: 89
Location: Oxford, UK

I'll throw in my two pence...

As a level 30, getting ganked by a gang of 50's isn't fun. I've got no problem going one-on-one, that's why I joined FightClub, and a hostile server, but it never is one-on-one, it's more like four-on-one, getting hacked/shot/debuffed etc. Saying that, I have been in several PVPs where I ran into a crew of reds and pvp'd against the closest match while the others just watched. They've even been nice enough to rez me to fight again, or at least tell me to p*ss off lol!

I like the idea of PVP being restricted to certain times though...this is supposed to be an underground war after all.


Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 205

I am levelling a char on syntax at the moment. Put in a few hours and shes now 14 i think. I've had some pvp experience on these servers and I'd fight somone my level only for a level 50 to nuke me. Now aside from this which didn't happen that often I found another hilarious game to play. I call it the pipe game. To begin you turn on pvp, hyper jump and bounce around a bit till you have people folllowing you. Then you get to the pipe up the side of the building and move down to just below the second window. No low level killing for them.

Joined: Aug 23, 2005
Messages: 134

LMAO, Echosnare... That one sounds like it's worth a try! :smileyvery-happy:

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3108

At the end of the day you are the most flexible aspect of the matrix and its your attitude and perception that you have most control over (ie within reason you can adjust your RP to fit). On the non-hostile worlds (of which I confess i have limited experience) you have the /duel and /pvp switches via which you can use to tailor your game according to the degree of threat and involvement you want to engage - while I would always support an RP goal over any other (it is an MMORPG when all said and done) in this case I think those arguing against the current system are being overly prescriptive to fellow players and overly restrictive on themselves to the detriment of the potential experience here.


Flex your imaginations accept that in the matrix some redpills will be *CENSORED*hol3s, some will be bitter and twisted by what has occured and be out solely for blind revenge and some will be downright evil..... the matrix is a dangeous place where you should watch your back and run/fight as and when necessary, survival is the key to success - use it in a positive manner!

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