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[9.1.1] The Machines seem pretty worried about this guy - Vector - 11/21/07
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 9, 2005
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phi wrote:

Who left to door to the hospital for "special" people open? Crazies all over the place.

Anyway, we should start with what we KNOW about the intruder. Facts are usually far more productive than speculation.

  • Arrived into the matrix at Rogers Way, at a door that is known to connect to the source, as well as other locations.
  • Has a rather rudimentary RSI
  • Has the ability to deploy code objects called "Decelerator"s that affect programs. Affected programs seem to have an elevated clock rate and become passively hostile, or at least they seem to cease any previous activities. A Decelerator has no "physical" presence in the Matrix and as such in only vulnerable to code attacks.
  • Any code he leaves behind is not normal Matrix code and certainly seems to panic programs as to where it might originate from. It seems clear that his code is not from in the Matrix.
  • He seems somewhat impervious to attack, if not just immensely powerful.
  • He appears to be seeking something, and has displayed particular interest in the Heart O' the City hotel in Stamos. Room 303 was the location of Neo's realization that he was The One. It was ALSO the location of Smith's initial distruction and his conversion to a viral form.
  • He has displayed a complete lack of interest in Machine and exile programs.
  • He has stated that he has no more soul than any exile or machine program.
  • The Oracle stated that if you kill something you might not like what comes to replace it.
Possible conclusions from the above:
  • External to the simulation with an inherent ability to override system programs. This seems to suggest that he is possibly some form of operating systems code from the Source. So far all programs encountered have been ported in from the machine world or built within the Matrix systems.
  • The ability to alter clock speeds also suggests something from the systems on which the Matrix runs.
So far I am of the opinion that he is some sort of admin or antiviral research program. His demeanour certainly seems to be one that suits a higher level program. It seems to be one of a network administrator. "I don't care what data you have running on my systems, I am only interested in the performance of the network itself". Much like a phone technician doesn't care what you talk about, only that the phones are working. He could be trying to find out how The One was able to manipulate systems externally or how Smith was altered.

I'm most likely not correct, It could be a very high level emergency protocol (like an anti-virus), something that operates outside of the system. In which case humans would be of most use to him, because they are able to provide the intruder with information external to the system.

Perhaps the intruder might benefit from someone informing him of the location of Neo's partial RSI.

Whatever the truth, it is clear that the machines have no control over it and have even pulled back sentinel troops to defend their resources.

An afterthought: Pigeons don't know about Copernicus because they don't need to. Just because you believe the world is flat, doesn't mean the world is even aware of your existence.
It's been hinted that the Intruder might actually run deeper than the System. It might be a manifestation of the Source itself, or something that predates even the Architect and the Oracle?

But also it's been hinted that being an Intruder it is alien to the system itself. Perhaps it comes from another group of AI separate from the Machines or Merovingian that has stayed out of the Matrix until now?

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 10, 2006
Messages: 2091
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GypsyJuggler wrote:
That old woman is really starting to annoy me.  She never says anything directly useful and only seems to be getting more vague with time. 
SkyBruin is on the right track though. 

I agree, maybe her coding is starting to deteriorate?

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 21, 2007
Messages: 63

MetaLogic wrote:
GypsyJuggler wrote:
That old woman is really starting to annoy me.  She never says anything directly useful and only seems to be getting more vague with time. 
SkyBruin is on the right track though. 

I agree, maybe her coding is starting to deteriorate?

Nope, it's still performing at 100% efficiency.

Recall Morpheus' comment to Neo: "She told you exactly what you needed to hear, that's all."

What she told Neo was probably just as vague to him as the stuff she told us is vague to us.  Just because it's vague, doesn't make it useless. Also remember that if we decide (on any level, not just conscious) we're not ready to hear a certain truth or fact, she won't tell us.

Asking direct questions like "what are we dealing with" of a program that was initially designed to explore the human psyche isn't going to meet with anything much more than failure.  If anything, her answers point us in the direction of getting as much information as we can at every encounter with the Intruder. We're all just running scared to her and going ZOMG WHAT IS IT HALP and then complaining when her answers are vague, or getting angry when she's not available.

Did anyone stop to consider that we maybe don't need her guidance on this one as much as we think we do, at this point at least? And who's to say that she knows more than us about the Intruder. If any of those theories about previous matrices or some kind of rogue element, or a personification of the source, are even close to accurate, she may not be able to see anything at all about this guy - he's too different.

Instead of relying on the oracle almost completely for information about this guy, we should be out there, trying to find him and trying to get as much information as we can on our own. If we make some fantastic or terrible revelation about the Intruder and it's hard to swallow, THEN we go to the Oracle and ask her guidance on how to deal with it.  We don't go to her to hold our hands every step of the way.

Message edited by Surfel on 12/29/2007 17:18:06.
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