"I call this meeting to order", I say.
I look around and take a look at everyone and wonder to my self what the point of this all is. Thinking back I know how this all started. Neo. His death sparked a revolution in the Matrix. A temporary truce was formed between the Redpills and the programs that ran the Matrix. At first everything was fine, Tyndall and her Zion squad was releasing as many Redpills as the could from the Matrix, and everyone was the better for it. Then something happened. Redpills started realizing life outside the Matrix sucked.
I was one of those Redpills that did not care for life outside the Matrix, and I like so many other Redpills, chose a different allegiance. Those of us that decided not to Follow Tyndall and her fanatics, chose to fight. Fight for life inside the Matrix, but in different ways. Some fought for the pure order the Programs of the Matrix like, and I chose to fight for freedom and power within the Matrix.
Fighting for my cause put an enormous strain on me, and redpills like me. When it came down to it, all any of us wanted was to survive. We had all left our homes and now lived in an Anarchist society, everyone was out for themselves, forming truce's, and bonds, as they saw fit for themselves.
Late one night on my HoverCraft I was discussing current events with my Captain, and she told me she and the other captains wanted to crawl out of the ooze that had become the Matrix, and form a Society without killing, a Society that them and their future children could be proud of. She told me Order must be brought to the Anarchy. She told me Captains from the three current Alliances had formed a Council, a Ruling governing body to bring Order to the Chaos. She then said something that blew my mind.
"I want you to be one of the Representatives from our Organization on the Council."
I was stunned, with more blood on my hands than I like to think about, she wanted me to move into Politics. Maybe my mother was right, all politicians are dirty. None the less, I could not refuse my captain, and i would not let my Organization down.
"I call this meeting to order", I say, "We are here tonight to discuss, and decide on one thing, who is going to lead this council."
I hear murmurs and muffled groans around the table, they all know what I know, we are all in for a long night, and I'm going to need more then just words, and convincing arguments to convince these guys that someone who also serves the Frenchman is best suited to lead this Council. After about 20 minutes of my words falling on deaf ears, I call for a break. I head to the elevator and make a call.
"Operator", I hear over my ear piece.
"Get me Lt. Williams." I speak these words into the mic on the back of my hand.
"Williams here, what can I do for you Daemon?" He knows I hate the military, but has come to call me friend anyhow, because of how much we have been through together him and I.
"I need you to put together a team, then locate and kidnap the Zions, or the Machines Chair Person candidate."
"Consider it done, but can I ask why Daemon?"
"That's easy, once you have their person in custody, I'm going to tell that candidates representatives on this council, that their candidate is no longer in the running, and should vote for a candidate with a bit better protection."
"Very good, I won't let you down." I hear him say, I can tell he's holding the headset and mic in his hands, and is just speaking into the mic, which is unfortunate because I wasn't done talking to him yet.
"Operator" I say into my mic, I hear that word repeated to me through my headset.
"Tell Lt. Williams to send a team to protect our candidate, just in case any of the other members get the same idea as us and try to kidnap them." I switch off my mic, and look around the room and grin.
"Tonight might be an interesting night after all", I say to myself, as i walk back into the meeting.