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Rights of a faction Leader
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Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 26, 2005
Messages: 58
Location: Captain HvCFT The End is Night


why can't a faction leader demote or remove other rank 1 captains and their crews?
If there  is trouble in the faction or the time changed the persons, so that they are not worth to take part at rank 1, why can't an Leader demote other Rank 1 captains?
The community between many players, all the talk and fun at the community, has a loss if they all and the leader too can't react at bad behaviour etc. of other rank 1 memebers.

If it is possible to remove them than please tell me how to do that.
If it isn't possible it would be very nice if you can say me why a faction Leader can't do this?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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I've always wanted more control over other players when I was faction leader, so you could kick players in other crews if they were in a crew that had a leader who had stopped playing for a few weeks.

And I think if yer gonna make somebody rank 1, then make sure you can trust them to not screw up things in yer faction.

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 26, 2005
Messages: 58
Location: Captain HvCFT The End is Night

Yeah, but if the faction exists since the beta closing, it's hard to except the non trust now at some other RAnk 1 Captains. So the time has come where no longer trust is connected to the Rank 1 leaders and still the rest of the faction dont trust these 2 but only these 2 Rank 1 Crews.
Are we forceless or can we act?
Acting would be better i think than being without force.

Systemic Anomaly

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I think (as I know some of the Captains of LET do) that it should definately be looked into.

Systemic Anomaly

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Yeah that would save us alot of time of having to have the crew disband and recreate if these people leave the game and or don't come back for weeks.


Jacked Out

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Or ever. More faction leader abilities FTW.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Myself and Medanon where these two rank 1 leaders he is talking about... Medanon and I built the faction right after Beta, now they didn't want us no more, god knows for what reason. So they kicked us from rank 1, Medanon just about quit the game, I went to CoZ and no there are two active players left in the faction. HAHA



Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 11, 2006
Messages: 445

The whole faction ranking sytem is flawed and needs to be revamped IMO. As a Rank 1 captian I sometimes can't even demote/remove/promove crews of any rank through bugs alone. As for being able to demote Rank 1 crews, Rank 1 is a leader rank, therefor allthough only one captian will have the "L" beside thier name all Rank 1 captians are in an equal position of leadership. That's how I've allways thaught of it anyway. Keep people in Rank 2 unless you consider them an equal hand in the running of your faction.

Like Denary (You F'IN' NUTCASE) says, as a rank 1 captian it'd also be great to have the ability to review and edit other crew specs. It's a major inconvienience to have to boot an entire crew because the captian has recriuted an azzhole and is jacked out.

Jacked Out

Joined: Jul 8, 2006
Messages: 572

Yeah, Rank 1s having the ability to boot other Rank 1s is an invitation to disaster. All it takes is for one Rank 1 captain to get ideas above his station and decide to 'take control' of the faction to boot out all the others who have done the hard work in making it what it was in the first place.

Better faction control is a MUST, but this idea I do not like.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Coer wrote:
 ...boot out all the others who have done the hard work...

And that is Exactly what happened to me and Medanon but no hard feelings, I am happy now where I am at.




Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Everto

Fondo wrote:
Coer wrote:
 ...boot out all the others who have done the hard work...

And that is Exactly what happened to me and Medanon but no hard feelings, I am happy now where I am at.




CoZ are cool bunch of ppl an its worth stickin with em, unfortunately I've got my own crappy faction, with a crappy website which don't work and I wonder why I'm still payin for it SMILEY

anyway back on topic OMG THE CHICKEN IT'S HEADLESS!!!!

wait this is about faction leader rights right?? well heres how I see it, make it so a leader is able to give faction leader status to other people, so you can have 4 faction leaders who can demote or remove anybody but not the other leaders, of course be careful who you do that too, give rank 1 to ppl u can trust but you can demote. easy solving

Jacked Out

Joined: May 20, 2006
Messages: 7507

Personaly as a leader of a faction i wish i could see , individuals in all the ships....

Good easy way would be like expandable slots on the faction screen which you double click and it lists members of that ship

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Aug 20, 2005
Messages: 577

I'm all for tools for the faction leaders, but when i start seeing people wanting to boot other crew's members, i get hesitant.  You see the faction leaders should be able to promote, demote, add, remove crews from that faction.  As well as view all crew rosters, when users are active, ect... anything not involved in booting, unless it is the whole crew.  At the same time crew leaders should be limited to only banning from their specific crews, but could use the non-banning features as well.


To keep a blance / check system.  I don't want leaders to solely make decisions that can change a faction on a whim.  I like the ida of having to talk to those you place in the faction.  I don't want people to worry about "if they don't like me or my character will I be booted?"  Everyone who plays this GAME does so for fun.  I understand that a very low percentage of people MIGHT not abuse their power, but why hand over the temptation?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Holy Warriors Ex Zion

Trayden wrote:
 Everyone who plays this GAME does so for fun.  I understand that a very low percentage of people MIGHT not abuse their power, but why hand over the temptation?
Because a Faction Leader should not abuse their power or be tempted by things like that. That is how they become a strong Leader: Discipline, Wisdom, and integrity.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Everto

Cmdr_Dezreki wrote:
Trayden wrote:
 Everyone who plays this GAME does so for fun.  I understand that a very low percentage of people MIGHT not abuse their power, but why hand over the temptation?
Because a Faction Leader should not abuse their power or be tempted by things like that. That is how they become a strong Leader: Discipline, Wisdom, and integrity.

maybe then a crew captain can give his faction leader those rights to his crew, so when he makes a crew he can say "I don't want you messing with my crew" and if the faction leader don't like it then he can get screwed because I'm sure theres a lot of other factions who wouldn't mind another crew

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