After all that, I really think you need to upgrade the power supply, it doesn't have enough watts. I have had a problem like this before and an upgraded power supply fixed it.
Unfortunately i don't live in the UK.EDIT: I'll go to the shop and request to talk to the manager.
Have you tried adjusting the settings in the games? Also, is it video lag or internet lag?
Michael1 wrote:Unfortunately i don't live in the UK.EDIT: I'll go to the shop and request to talk to the manager. Had a feeling you didn't, just thought that the country in which you do reside would have something along the same lines. Yeah, ask to talk to the manager. You sound quite savvy about these things and I don't want to insult your intelligence but before anything like returning the unit make sure that you put in the original PSU in as supplied. Some companies have a clause in their purchase agreements that if an item has been modified by the purchaser then you have accepted the item and they are under no commitment to fix it etc... Trading standards or it's equivalent may not be able to help then.
Ok. I took the pc back to the shop. They said that they'll replace my MOTHERBOARD and not the processor because it's really good. They'll put on another ASUS Motherboard.
Old Motherboard: M2N - VM DVI
New Motherboard: M3A-H/HDMI
They are sure that it'll work and i hope it does. Please check out the motherboard and let me know what you think.
Looks ok, but I'm not very knowledgeable on these things so I'll just say I hope that the new motherboard works out!
Keeping my phingers crossed phor you Michael!
Aye, hopefully that will get you back and playing normally in no time. How long will it be until you know for sure?
Here's hoping all's well but if not can you please post your FULL MSINFO (not DXDIAG)There could be a program running that's causing the problem
So i called the shop and ,even though they said the computer would be ready yesterday, they haven't even looked at it. So they'll call me tomorrow morning with further details. I hope i'll have the computer tomorrow and everything will be ok.