Welcome. I am reviving my old Faction, The Dogs of War. I currently seek operatives who want to join a Machinist Faction, that will just have fun. No rules. I don't care. You can RP. PvP, Sleep, Spam at Mara...What ever. We will simply be a band of mercenaries "working" for the Machines. That's it. No goal. No agenda. Just a band of badasses. Any level is fine. We have two ships active at the moment, and single recruits or whole crews are welcome. No limit to recruits, anyone can reruit anybody. I don't have the time to organize a Faction that will be "the best at all aspects." I just want my tag over my head. Anyone in the Faction can suggest what they would like to see implemented, and I will honor every request. Also, if anyone who joins feels they have the time, and want to invest it in improving DoW, I am totally fine with it, and will give credit where due. Everyone here will have a say. If time presents itself later down the road, I will start to improve the experience.
Bottomline, I'm looking for players who want to have fun. Players who will voice their opinion on anything that needs improvement, or new ideas that would be good for the group.
There's no uniform. No "behavior guidelines". No political crap(Unless that's your bag, baby). Just fun, fights, and if you like RP, who knows..we could get some rolling along.
I'm not saying it would be a totally carefree group, of course, if someone is aggravating all other members, or any thing like that there would be the option to discuss removal or discipline. Things of this nature will not be over-looked carelessly.
So, If this sounds like your thing, let me know, at http://dogsofwar.freeforums.org Just post as a guest, with your character's name in the name space, and follow the directions in my first topic in the Recruiting Center.
I look forward to service with you all.