A spray of bullets flew across the road, several of them spiralling through the glass windows of the parked cars, shattering them to millions of shards which fell instantly. Some in a thin, triangular shape, others comparatively smaller and in more of a rectangular shape. Still they continued to fall, onto the caramel and matte black interiors, onto the hard, concrete sidewalk; shattering further upon impact.
The trigger was pulled again, some of those who had been unfortunate enough not to hide behind the lamp posts, newspaper boxes and telephone booths the first time falling to the hard, concrete sidewalk onto the glass, in much the same way it too had found its final home.
The trigger was pulled a third time. No, someone had tried to pull it but not soon enough. The scope had been given enough time to settle on them, a light crimson firework igniting on the dark green suit jacket, the sparks flying towards the low canopy above - the glossed silver lamp posts in front.
An explosion this time. The colours and sheer size of the explosion eclipsing that of the firework before. Two pairs of square, reflective sunglasses joined the glass and figures on the sidewalk this time. They smashed too. Reflective to ward off influences both mental and physical from out with the wearer? If that was their purpose, they had to find a new one. Odd though, that the wearers changed form when their fall had been interrupted.
One of the last remaining two broke into an unnaturally fast sprint, needing an unusually small amount of time to prepare, their arm outstretch in front with a polished black extension. Stepping off the sidewalk, three precisely aimed shots heralded three new casualties. Nearing the middle of the road - gaining on the assailants who had also broken into a sprint, this time away from rather than towards their attacker, another two bullets had already began their race toward their respective targets - tearing through sound and space as they went. From nowhere (somewhere), a convertible topped sports car sped along the corner, its bonnet hovering over the yellow stripes of the tarmac, following it religiously. As a last request, the figure in, yet another dark green suit, was granted enough time to turn just enough so that they may glimpse their nemesis - one last time.
One left. They motioned a single hand toward a tightly coiled white piece of wire, which ended at their ear. This one opened their mouth - but no words come out. The scope had found a new home. This particular residence was a motionless face, set in stone. Not emotionless though.
The day was done and the Sun began to set to the music of screams and distant sirens.