Well it's slightly old news now but I've just tweaked the format a bit and thought now is a good a time as any to make an 'official' announcement here on DN1 that http://www.thematrix.rumbaar.net/ has teamed up with ZippyTheSquirrel to provide regular Critical Mission Summaries for all three organisations, as they happen. No longer need you wait for missions to be archived and grinded through to view every nitty gritty detail you crave for in pursuit of ultimate story knowledge!So yeah, keep an eye on Rumbaar News as to when new summaries are uploaded or check out the new Rumbaar Mission Summaries Hub (also available through the site's left hand Database Menu) for all the archived entries.Cheers,CloudWolf
This pleases me.
Thank you.
20/07/2008 UpdateMachine and Merovingian 10.3.4 are up, Zion is currently pending.21/07/2008 UpdateNew Mission Summaries "hub" has been added to the left hand Database Menu of MxO@Rumbaar, making all current and previous mission summaries a permanent feature of the site. First post has been updated to reflect.23/07/2008 UpdateZion 10.3.4 is up
27/07/2008 UpdateAll 10.3.5s are up.
11/08/2008 Update
I'm off to Crete for 2 weeks so there won't be any Summary updates on Rumbaar until at least 11.1.3. I'm leaving it up to Zippy if he wants to post em' here on the forums in the mean time or wait until' I'm back for one super update.Either way, Peace.
11/08/2008 UpdateI'm off to Crete for 2 weeks so there won't be any Summary updates on Rumbaar until at least 11.1.3. I'm leaving it up to Zippy if he wants to post em' here on the forums in the mean time or wait until' I'm back for one super update.Either way, Peace.
Update:The college network I'm on pretty much rejects everything that can be construed as "fun" - especially online gaming (even Xfire is blocked t.t)!I can't even get to MxO to do any missions, so I figure why bother. Subscription's canceled until I can figure something out. If ever.EDIT: I just reviewed my subscription info, and it turns out that my sub is due to be refreshed today, so because it's canceled, I'm out now. That was fast. >_<