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MA vs Duelist duel
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Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4252

Is it just me, or can ANY! beat a dueliest with MA? I use a bit of Aikido/karate and I havent been able to hardly hit a dueliest and Ive dueled quite a few.. Now i think it would also help if I knew what type of buffs to wear.. even when I did melle/ballistic resistance, I done good n got one half health or a lil above, but still never been able to beat one :smileyindifferent:

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1181
Location: Vector

MA's are stronger than a duelist in interlock.  Whats your melee accuracy and ballistic resistance?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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sorry thats the wrong way around, a duelists melee defence is higher than akido's and the 2 main attributes for duelist have melee defence as well. what I have found is SMG specialist upgrade using handguns for the main attacks can beat almost anybody or at least take quite alot of hp, and it's my load so go get yer own.:smileywink:

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4252

Renesis13B wrote:
MA's are stronger than a duelist in interlock.  Whats your melee accuracy and ballistic resistance?

I absolutly have NO clothes with accuracy :S so maybe I need tobe getting some lol

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1181
Location: Vector

An MA shouldnt be losing every roll to a duelist so the poster is doing something wrong.  Also SMG =! Duelist.

I know Duelist very well since its my main loadout and if I was betting on a fight between a skilled ma and a skilled duelist in pure interlock.  My money goes on the ma.

Back to the original question...look at your status screen and tell me what your 3 rolls are for power, speed and grab and that will give me a better idea to why your losing so many rolls.  Also if you can tell me how your stats are distributed that would help.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Los Angeles, CA

An MA has a lot of burst DPS that isn't too IS effecient. If the Duelist can block an a decent chunk of the opening string of non-state requiring moves, he should have it. Especially when you look at moves like DP Execution, which has an 80% chance to proc something that hurts the MA, it's a nice move. A double proc from Execution though (16% chance), and the MA really should be toast.

Fighting a Duelist as an MA is really like fighting another Akido GM, a lot of Powerlesses and alot of debuffs, so you have to either play defense, or hope you can just muscle over theirs.

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 31, 2006
Messages: 1008

Yes, I have been able to beat duelists pretty consistently in duels. They are fairly hard due to the fact that they are able to obtain a MUCH higher melee defense bonus than MA's are able to do with ballistic defense bonus. This is do to the fact, that all good duelists will have high/max focus which gives the melee defense bonus, but MA's have no reason to use perception which gives the ballistic defense  bonus.


So just from this fact alone, a duelist will have around 40-50% higher melee defense bonus than MA has ballistic defense bonus. They also get more defense because some of their skills give melee defense, such as handgun artistry which gives 10% melee defense, as well as an SMG abil that gives 5% as well. So the issue with dueling duelists as MA, is that their melee defense is going to be much higher than your ballistic defense, which means you are going to miss a little bit more, so the key to winning is that when u land an ability, make it count.  I would make sure your melee damage is good, as well as have a high ballistic resistance, because a duelist's abilities arent that damaging so you should be able to last awhile.

Message Edited by Spartan1818 on 05-17-2006 10:25 PM
Message edited by Spartan18 on 05/17/2006 18:25:02.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1181
Location: Vector

Well a good ma should have some points towards ballistic defense.  Theres enough gunners out there to warrant a few points in that area.  They will lose some melee damage but I think its a good pay off.  As a duelist I put some points into belief to defend hackers.  Its really helped alot and considering how much I hate hackers its well worth it.:smileytongue:

Message Edited by Renesis13B on 05-17-2006 11:07 PM
Message edited by Renesis13B on 05/17/2006 19:07:32.

Joined: Dec 9, 2005
Messages: 196

I once loaded up duelist and smg specialist at the same time, just for fun and i was like god, just spamming duel pistol execution and when hes dazed, full auto redux, bang half bar gone worked with everyone so this shows that altough guns needed improving they overshot the target and made guns way to strong

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Messages: 2165

the way CR2 is built (or the devs say) is that each class has a weakness MAs are strong against hacks (with MA stats) and Gunners are strong against MAs but ive been dueling people with stupid load outs or no clothing on too see whats what and i have beaten a riflemen in IL with just awaken nothing else just selfdefense red fist and hyperdode also i have beaten an MA as a duelist with no clothing on too see how that worked out so me and some others did a bit of testing about how much the stat really count a friend o mine has 8 to focus and 8 to perception and beat another duelist with pure stats to perception so how is that possible?

Joined: Aug 26, 2005
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gayal wrote:
they overshot the target and made guns way to strong

NO WAY!!!!

Ah... you're not on Vector are you... that might explain it...

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Nov 29, 2005
Messages: 353

I use tu run vector as a duelist. MA's are the only class I have some kind of fear in 1 vs 1. In my modest opinion, for two equally squilled players, a MA will win like 6 or 7 of each 10 matches. This is ok, since each class has its weak and strong points. If you loose that much you should improve your loadout and your tactics again them.

One of the main difficulties in duelist (if u don't mix with other gun trees) is that almost all the abilities share the same timer.If you use an execution, you only have abaliable disarming shot for the next round.

I have to say that ma vs. duelist use to be fun and chalenging fights for both parts (specially if the ma don't use the exploit to use 4 times in a row the efk ignoring its timer).

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4252

hmmm I didnt know there was an exploit.. lol.. ok, I will rty what u guys say and see if I can kick any booty with it SMILEY if not.. then im redoing my stats!!

Femme Fatale

Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Messages: 4197
Location: Shellcode

It's probably because of your stats. I don't know them but a proper duelist has max Focus. Focus comes automatically with Melee Defense, so both ballistic accuracy and melee defense are at 60%. Belief on the other hand does boost Melee accuracy but has no defense boost to ballistic. That's melee accuracy at 60% but 0% at ballistic defense. Special moves go against the opponents defense, accuracy versus defense. If you want to have a good defense against ballistic you should put some attribute points in to Perception.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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It is a lot to do with stats and the bonus you can get from clothes too. a Good MA Vs a Good Duelist will always be a interesting battle, if you find you really weak against either you need to adjust defense stats and/or accuracy.

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