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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2127
Location: UCSB

Hydrazine wrote:

Entropi was great. I enjoyed interacting with her in secret and finding you sneeking around here and there.  You're stories were always above and beyond and on great scales with twists and turns.

I thought your stories were great but I couldn't be involved with them because they frustrated me too much.  I was pretty miffed to find out you go afk with a running macro while we stood around for hours trying to figure out just the right thing to say to get a response.  There was no one home! lol

I was there when the watchmaker was fixed and was taken out by the Agent and was impressed with the folks that helped you out because I knew it must've taken a lot of patience.

I interacted with the joker on vector a few times, he was completely insane and very suicidal lol


Well, TheWatchmaker's macros ran while I was at work so that people could get more exposure to the story. 6414's running macros were more of a taunting mechanism, although I had specific conditions planned that would get responses from her. I think only one person ever managed to trigger a response and he didn't realize what he had done to do it.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2127
Location: UCSB

mantra777 wrote:

Would You have anything to do with those mysterious Morpheus Sim HEX Codes?

Since I'm not entirely sure what the Morph Sim hex codes were, I think it's safe to say no. SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2127
Location: UCSB

Oh funny story, a lot of the desert images used in the hunt for Mauser mini-game that Vogt made were taken in the area near where I live. I was just reminded of that.

Jacked Out

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5141
Location: Germany


I must say, seeing all those various, obscure "underground plots" being revealed as one single mastermind's creation, now being exposed and explained, but also demystified and disambiguated from outside the fourth wall, has a really cool feel to it.

I'd always thought it was some "LESIG project", while other things might be player events or something - never would've thought it was one person pulling the strings. Very cool to know this SMILEY

Few more questions:

1) On Myspace, there were some more (I think 3) bluepills mentioned on the forums, who also appeared in game. One of them, I think, became a redpill over the course of time, but then killed himself or something (sorry, I've never had time or possibility to delve into that, so I don't remember), which was also posted on the forums.

Was that all you, as well? (almost a rhetorical question, with all the info revealed so far :d )

2) Now this I doubt more, but did you have anything to do with the so-called "Third Renaissance"?

A thing I never got, as well.

Few years ago, a user posted some weird (OOC) encounter in the game, where some guy talked big about how the official story sucked, and he was just a wheel in a huge machinery which would "overthrow the system" and impose their own ideas on the community, some kind of storyline with player involvement etc.

Then, the same guy appeared on the forums, and started talking EVEN BIGGER in an EXTREEEEEEMELY sophisticated language, a.o. saying things like "there are things going on in the undeground and there's nothing you can do about it".

A while after, some internet ads / website about "The Third Renaissance" started to appear, and later on, this group apparently organized some kind of player events inside the game.

A player called "stewart daniels" speculated about a connection between that and that "big shot" player from before.

Anyway, I've never got what that all was about, and didn't have the possibility or time to find out, either.

Would you have any info on that, or is it something completely unrelated?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2127
Location: UCSB

Nope, I'm not familiar with either of those. Sorry. I was only involved with the big projects that I already listed. And then I had varying levels of involvement in different LESIG projects other than my own.


I think that one of the reasons that my events were so successful was because it was done by a single person. Since I was behind all the characters involved, I had knowledge of every player's interaction with the story and could adjust other characters accordingly to take advantage. I also had a wide range of feedback from players' reactions and could adapt and tailor the events as I went along. I also didn't have to worry about creative disagreements as I had full control of my story.
The only disadvantage was that as I created more complicated storylines, I also had less time to focus certain elements of the story. For example, my inability to to plan United Tomorrow live events. As the puzzles became more complicated, they took up more of my time to complete. And then there were things like that bookcase that I spent weeks and weeks meticulously photoshopping and then never really used in the end.

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