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Trivial Trials Testing Total Capacity of Thought
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Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

I decided to go with a riddle this time.  As trivia is just a google away. 

I am alone,
I am bright,
Yet I am surrounded by black.
I am alone,
And I miss my family,
Yet I am surrounded by my Kin.
I am alone,
With no one to talk to,
But humans are all around me.


Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 99

 The Sun

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2573

So when do I get my info? SMILEY

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

So when do I get my info? SMILEY...sorry Kivo

I've been out of game recently because of work in the RL.  I will get it to you tonight when I can log in.

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

The Sun is correct Safirina.  Expect your money tonight as well.

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

Kivo, post your ingame name or send me an e-mail that I can reply to with your info.  Because I don't know where to send it.

New riddle:

We know that Liars always lie about everything, Knights always tell the truth. and Knaves strictly alternate between lying and telling the truth.

Let us define a new category, a Coquin, who is a renegade and will answer the questions any way he sees fit, but taking good care not to be mistaken with a Knight, Knave, or Liar. (Thus, a coquin will never make just one or two statements; he will always make three or more.)

Five workers (a blacksmith, a fisherman, an orange picker and two shepherds) are engaged in conversation. Two of them are Knights, one a Liar, one a Knave, and the other a Coquin. They say:

1. The Orange Festival is the most important event of the season.
2. The fisherman is the youngest amongst the five of us.
3. I am the Blacksmith.
4. Vaileres is not the second oldest among us.

1. I am not the orange picker.
2. At least one of Eidnas’ statements is true.
3. Inopmas is not the fisherman.
4. I am not the oldest amongst all the five of us.

1. Vaileres is the oldest amongst us.
2. I am the second oldest among us.
3. Picking oranges requires great skill and I do it well.
4. Gnidnats is not a Knave.

1. The blacksmith is the third oldest amongst us.
2. Eidnas’ statements are not all false.
3. I am the older of the two shepherds.

1. I am the oldest amongst the five of us.
2. I am a shepherd.
3. Pituslon’s second statement is true.
4. I am not the fourth youngest amongst all of us.

Determine who are Knights, who is the Liar, who is the Knave and who is the Coquin. What is the job of each person and what is their rank in age?

With answer, please post your in-game name you wish the info to be sent to.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3403
Location: Wichita

Inopmas-4th oldest,liar, blacksmith
Pituslon-2nd oldest,knave,shepherd
Vaileres-3rd oldest,knight,orange picker

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

Regulus wrote:
Inopmas-4th oldest,liar, blacksmith
Pituslon-2nd oldest,knave,shepherd
Vaileres-3rd oldest,knight,orange picker


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 212
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Eidnas - knight - black smith - 3rd oldest

Gnidnats - knave - orange picker - 2nd oldest

Inopmas - liar - fisherman - youngest

Pituslon - knight - shepherd - oldest

Vaileres - coquin - shepherd - 4th oldest

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

SureShot187 wrote:

Eidnas - knight - black smith - 3rd oldest

Gnidnats - knave - orange picker - 2nd oldest

Inopmas - liar - fisherman - youngest

Pituslon - knight - shepherd - oldest

Vaileres - coquin - shepherd - 4th oldest

Congratualtions Sureshot, that is correct.  If anyone would like an explanation, just say so and I will post it.  Expect your info this weekend sureshot, I am moving into a new place in RL, and will not be able to jack in until this weekend.  But congrats.


Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 212
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

Thank you very much yourbuddy

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

It's more powerful than God.
It's more evil than the devil.
The poor have it.
The rich need it.
If you eat it, you'll die.
What am I?

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3403
Location: Wichita



Joined: Apr 21, 2006
Messages: 212
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon

hmm  Nothing makes senseSMILEY

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Messages: 369
Location: Emerging from a liquor bottle near you.

Regulus wrote:
Correct.  Again, info will be sent this weekend, because I am moving into a new apartment.  Congratulations Reg
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