Let us define a new category, a Coquin, who is a renegade and will answer the questions any way he sees fit, but taking good care not to be mistaken with a Knight, Knave, or Liar. (Thus, a coquin will never make just one or two statements; he will always make three or more.)
Five workers (a blacksmith, a fisherman, an orange picker and two shepherds) are engaged in conversation. Two of them are Knights, one a Liar, one a Knave, and the other a Coquin. They say:
EIDNAS: 1. The Orange Festival is the most important event of the season. 2. The fisherman is the youngest amongst the five of us. 3. I am the Blacksmith. 4. Vaileres is not the second oldest among us.
GNIDNATS: 1. I am not the orange picker. 2. At least one of Eidnas’ statements is true. 3. Inopmas is not the fisherman. 4. I am not the oldest amongst all the five of us.
Eidnas-Youngest,knight,shepherd Gnidnats-Oldest,coquin,fisherman Inopmas-4th oldest,liar, blacksmith Pituslon-2nd oldest,knave,shepherd Vaileres-3rd oldest,knight,orange picker
Eidnas - knight - black smith - 3rd oldest
Gnidnats - knave - orange picker - 2nd oldest
Inopmas - liar - fisherman - youngest
Pituslon - knight - shepherd - oldest
Vaileres - coquin - shepherd - 4th oldest
Eidnas - knight - black smith - 3rd oldestGnidnats - knave - orange picker - 2nd oldestInopmas - liar - fisherman - youngestPituslon - knight - shepherd - oldestVaileres - coquin - shepherd - 4th oldest