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Neighborhood Contacts and Collectors
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Veteran Hacker

Joined: Sep 14, 2007
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I may have missed this but are all the neighborhoods going to be done like the new Tabor Park update?  I just finished getting the Industrial gloves and nice xp from turning in gang items on Vector and I think this is a good idea to get new players to explore each neighborhood.

Veteran Hacker

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Im not to sure one it but I think that was the plan to start off in uriah and work your way around richland but Im not positive on that.

Jacked Out

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While I'm not sure the trail was planned to go further then just out of Uriah/Into Tabor I'd like to see all the collectors having the same exchanges as the Uriah SW collector and now the Tabor collector, such as gang tokens for XP and $i and a souvenir version (although I'd like to see a use for the souvenir versions other then just keeping them, ideas have been made in the past about having them fit into the tool slot and giving a small buff, each token giving a different buff etc..)

New items from each available through missions would be nice but, I fear, just wishful thinking. Time will tell I suppose.

MC Photographer

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I hope they do the same with all the neighborhood contacts and collectors; they each have their own interesting little story and they are a sadly over-looked aspect to the game and its environment. I've worked some of the Richland contacts into Sieges's story over time, particularly Sister Margret in Mara, and Silver of the Elements in Camon Heights; and then there was the Merv live event in the summer of 2007 where I got the killing shot in on Silver, so it was like the bad blood between him and Sieges just plain boiled over spectacularly.

Ascendent Logic

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Sorry if this is a bit of a necro (and I know there was a larger thread about the souveniers or something) but i was starting a new character and was doing the tarbor section for the first time and realized how awesome this would be to have had in more neighborhoods, even if it was just the xp trade in... Anywho I know nothing will happen on it but I feel sad that this was never finished and would have only been an mission edit or just a 2 new collectables to each collector...

Fansite Operator

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Zeac wrote:

Sorry if this is a bit of a necro (and I know there was a larger thread about the souveniers or something) but i was starting a new character and was doing the tarbor section for the first time and realized how awesome this would be to have had in more neighborhoods, even if it was just the xp trade in... Anywho I know nothing will happen on it but I feel sad that this was never finished and would have only been an mission edit or just a 2 new collectables to each collector...

It's a good idea.  Personally, I have always found the neighborhood contacts to be quiet springs of backstory and fascinating insights, worth doing just for their intrinsic interest alone.  But collectibles would be okay! 


Joined: Aug 20, 2005
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sugaree wrote:

Personally, I have always found the neighborhood contacts to be quiet springs of backstory and fascinating insights, worth doing just for their intrinsic interest alone.  

Agreed. Ever since I read Sugar Shack, these missions have been on my to do list. They are usually short, 1 phase, maybe 2 or 3. So it never feels like grinding.

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