NIRadio and Les Enfants Terribles
Vector Hostile 3rd Aniversary Party Event!!White Hallways or Suggested Location
We want you to party with us on Vector Hostile.The place where the fun happens.
This is our 3rd year and we think you deserve a good knee's up celebration. So comon' don't be unfaithful and stay on your home server for the celebrations.
NIRadio Will Be Running Through The Party With DJ'sNemesaiJSphereBruinzKafynand Genesai
Sponsered byLes Enfants TerriblesandNetwork ImperiumThis is our game, lets party like its 2199!!!
4MCT/7EST/0GMT22nd March 2008
For sure ill be there!!!!!!!Its Easter btw!
I'm not realigious but I'll see if I can get something special to give out at this bash then heh.
*Looks in bag of treats...... hm, halloween masks?? no lol*
Maybe we could see if we can have the most Smiths in one place at one time. Break another area lol (Ref: Dannah Hieghts Club Sphinx)
Hide, go seek
The add to the fun and games, we have come up with something that might make things interesting. Before the party begins, three of us will be hiding in the white hallways in Shinjuku, each holding i$100,000,000. Find us all and you'll one lucky son-of-a-bicyle.
This event will start 1 Hour stated on the Party event post (15MCT/18PST/23GMT)
Bring your X-ray specs, because all of us will be in sneak mwahahahaha.Research your maps, learn the routes. The only clues are,'To get to the bottom of something you must reach the core of the problem'
Happy hunting, we'll be seeing you...
Tonights the night so grab your happening gear and make your way to the dance floor.
The event starts at 11pm GMT/4pm MCT where you must locate 3 of NI's Operatives, hiding in one of Shinjuku's Whitehallways. Each are holding 100mil as stated in the previous post by my self.
After they have been found they will give you the co-ord's to the white hallway where the party is being held.
Members of LET and NI will be in these halls throwing items, info and anything we can find at you for multiple contests, and other quizes; music or trivia.
Everyone from all Servers are invited of course if you can get here, but i'm sure we can port most that have trouble. Contact CarAudioGuy, Siepher, Gretyl, Xeros, Or JetBIack if you want to find out where its going down.
This is our 3rd year, lets make it a good one and party like its 2199.