As you all now Mervs. hang out at Magog West, but this day zions came it started when i was walking with my pvp on as ussally this zions asks me "Why is you pvp on?" I said "I guard this place from zion because Magog West is only for Mervs" "Oh yeah!" "Yeah" *STUNNED* he stunned me attacked me crashed me i got rezed gemax said "attack him, KILL HIM IT's an order obey it" swifty said no don't i was confused.
I was like AHHHHHHH DIe zion DIE DIE so i killed him Carter came on he blew him up he came with 5 friends zions so me carter swifty killed all they came with there friends i was on the phone calling all my friends i was like "We need back up get your faction and come here Big fight in MAGOG WEST" all the mervs show up. decided to invite the Machines they came they helped us anyways one of there mates started to attack as always i'm the target even his captain said "STOP" but he didn't his name is ESPIO you guys now him if you guys are in Mara C anyways they helped we kikedalll the zions away from Magog west. had plans to kicked the machines away from here to cause espio was killing me so i was like no no carter and swifty (love you guys) don't get to his level you better then him if you attack him that will make us look bad blah blah blah anyways i crashed came back and so MAGOG WEST was empty we took it over again.
NO ZIONS IN MAGOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!