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The Other Side of the Looking Glass - 10/21/05
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Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 57

i have to say this is pretty cool.  TO bad though the thugs dont hand out candy, lol.  NOw will you have to have desquise to ware the mask??

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4429
Location: The Darrius Organization: Machines Faction: The Collective Server: Recursion

Hopefully not. I'm assuming they are just going to be placed in your hotbar and activated since these are special disguises that I hope everyone can use and not have the ability loaded.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 3804
Location: UK

I'm sure all this has been said before but nevermind.

Great to see your artical back again, looking forward to future editions.

Halloween seems interesting, something different and something to sidetrack onto within the matrix.

Would love to know how long these halloween disguises will be in game. Are they going to be a permenant feature, will they be decompilable, are they going to be removed in the 4th November patch?

It's also good to know what is going to be happening with the "Content Reflow". Not quite what some of the ideas that were floating arround here and probably what people had interpretated (not what I had interpretated anyway) from what Archon said, but still nice to know.

Nice to see you can be reasonable to. SMILEY


Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 95
Location: Australia

So are we going to get a permanant LET, or will it just be you guys (MxO Devs & Team members) wearing extra hats ??

Joined: Oct 5, 2005
Messages: 112

I have a funny feeling that this question is performance-based - if the
press around MXO gets better, or there's a say, quarterly increase in
subscriptions (the criteria are completely subjective), the team will
be given the budget and hiring power for a real-live LET. SOE seems to
be giving the game the time and support it needs to reclamate itself,
and it's leaving it to the devs to prove them worthy of the investment.

Luckily, we have fantastic, committed developers.

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 86

i hate to say it; but while i'm looking forward to the special content (halloween is my favorite holiday and i turn 30 on that day as well)... it seems stale already (before it was even put in the game... while great for lower levels and such.. i can't get too excited about Pandora's Pumpkin

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1446
Location: The Clouds Above

Henceforth, this shall be the official name:

Pandora's Pumpkin

Joined: Sep 20, 2005
Messages: 59

I would like the DEVS to take my ideas of having double or triple XP for the haloween thing and since i'm on vector if they can make it like no PVP at all just on that day cause i seriously get ganked a lot and that won't do if i'm trying to show my haloween costume off to every1

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1041

 Walrus Wrote:

I thought I’d take a moment to clarify some of the ideas out there about exactly what the District Reflows are all about. While part of the system includes an easier way for us to insert objects into the world, we’re not redesigning the world itself. At least, we’re not redesigning buildings or the physical layouts of the Districts.


Ok, but can you insert new buildings in the constructions areas? That would qualify as "insert obects into the world..........not redesigning the world..buildings or the phsical layouts of the districts." Or are buildings to big to insert.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1361

Thanks for throwing us a bone.  Woof Woof.  Gob, you guys talk about everything except what we wanted to hear.  Where did you guys get that name from "Reflow".   If I put a spoiler on my car, and change the way the air flows around  my car, did I reflow my car?  LMAO!  You guys are too much.

Message Edited by RainKingX on 10-23-2005 11:14 PM
Message edited by RainKingX on 10/23/2005 08:14:19.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 170

Are these pumpkins going to be randomly placed aroung the city or will there be vendors?  An xp boost would be a nice treat as well....while you have the costume on.  Its also really cool to know that the dev team really does read these forums and takes our advice to heart.  Thanks Walrus and the rest of the dev team...keep up the good work.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 862

I am thinking the HLs will change to those old time telephone booths from the early 20th century.  THe seventh mask could be the Gargoyle from Ashencourts.  I am a little freaked out the people playing the oracle and Niobe are guys but it doesnt matter.  I also find it cool giving us a full 24 hours of night on holloween.  I would realy like to see changing of the seasons so that world looks like its in motion.  Since I was told the mega city was originaly suppose to be Chicogo. 

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 246
Location: HvBRG Ouroboros

Morpheus:  This is your last chance.  After this, there is no
going back.  You take the blue pill and the story ends.  You
wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.

[The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses.]

Morpheus: You take the candy corn and have a happy Halloween and I show you just how far this game can sink.

[Neo feels the smooth skin of the capsules, the moisture growing in his palms.]

Morpheus:  Remember that all I am offering is the truth.  Nothing more.

[Neo opens his mouth and swallows the candy corn.  The Cheshire smile returns.]

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 881
Location: Clifton, Co. Server:Vector Faction:JoKeRz Organization:MACHINES

Lost-King wrote:

I would like the DEVS to take my ideas of having double or triple XP for the haloween thing and since i'm on vector if they can make it like no PVP at all just on that day cause i seriously get ganked a lot and that won't do if i'm trying to show my haloween costume off to every1

Screw the double or triple xp Idea what must of us all need is Info not xp cuz leveling up is already way to easy.

They should just gives us all like 10 or 20 mil in our inventory, And I don't mean some Info increase I mean Flat out putting it in all our Inventory's

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

I want the following to be included in the patch. In order of priority:

1. New Critical misssions.

2. Liveevent characters making appearances.  (Haloween must be pretty important to the exiles, fun for the zionites and confusing for the Agents)

3. New Cutscene

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