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The ability to 'stop' bullets-Shouki's theory.
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1174

Ok...I know what you are all thinking now, I'm a crack head and we all know stopping bullets comes from being the allmight one right? Well stop right there...that kind of thinking is wrong, at least hear me out.

As you all know at the ending more or less of the first Matrix Neo held his hand out and stopped bullets in mid air, it is my belief now after re-watching the movie for the 3rd time that ANYONE can do this, but no one has TRIED.


Why? They are human, they are told by their brain that the bullets are real and that if the bullets hit them they will die. In other words, they always run the cause of this? FEAR.

This is one of the many weaknesses that a human being has, it is fear that makes you run away and it is often fear which causes you not to believe in your self.

If you follow careful instruction's from what I believe then it is highly possible that ANY redpill can stop bullets in there place.(I do not guarntee it will work 100% of the time and many a redpill will die trying)(OOC Note: This is sort of a mini roleplaying tool if you will, i dont recomend using my tips to actually 'stop' bullets in game)


What the process will require is simple.

Someone who's mind is completely clear, free of free, free of anxiety, free of human emotions that would normal dictate your actions and cause you to loose faith in your self. Remember, this world is digital...NOTHING in it is realy.

With that said, remember back to earlier in the first matrix...the kid...

"Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead ... only try to realize the truth."
"What truth?"
"There is no spoon."
"There is no spoon?"
"Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."

As I'm sure you all remember, Neo then proceeds to tilt his head to the side which caused the spoon to bend. Further proof that someone with completely belief in their abilites and understanding that the matrix is not real can be found in another quote

"What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?"
"No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to."

When Neo is READY, the key phrase is READY. As in when Neo's mind has been completely whiped of doubt, that he completely believes in his abilites only then would he be able to do it.

My theory is simple, if what the bald-child said is true about the spoon why could the same not be said about bullets? Remember, everything in the matrix is just code...even your bullets..none of it is real. But the fear in your mind of knowing you can actually die, that you can actually get hurt is what prevents other redpills from doing the act that Neo does...why do I say this? Because, yet again, fear will cause us to doubt our selves...are we so sure of our abilites that we would risk death? that thought alone tells me that you would not be able to do it.

Like I said, it will require a CLEAR mind, free of doubt.

If you notice in the movie, remember, when Neo bent the spoon he had tilted his head to the side. When Neo stopped the bullets we see a similiar gesture only this time when he does it the bullets fall to the ground.

I know, you all think im crazy and that stopping bullets is only an uber trick that The One gets. I may be wrong but that is why it is called a theory.

Think? Has anybody in the matrix besides Neo actually ever TRIED to stop bullets? No, yet again, fear ruled their minds and told them to avoid being shot at all costs. Neo however, having come back to life and being completely sure of him self and his abilites was not ruled by fear.

It was then that he realized the truth, Morpheus' words became clear to him.

It was simple really.

He only had to realize the truth.

There are no bullets.


There, that is my little theory. You must say that it is not entirely impossible, I presented some good points about it.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 46
Location: Syntax

Very insightful, and I never really thought about it that way.

I think, though, the thing that differentiated The One from any of the other redpills out there is that his understanding of the Matrix code became so intuitive, so concentrated, that he could alter it at a whim, whereas it takes the others a bit of time to discover they can do these things. Abilities such as flying? An over-exaggerated hyperjump..

Neo's abilities, I think, are the enhanced and amplified versions of what everyone else was capable of. His memory capacity, his understanding of the Matrix, allowed him to control it. The other redpills were simply using the Matrix as you would use a piece of software. Sure, you may know the steps to quickly get the results you desire, but Neo is the guy who hacks the program to rule out those quick steps and achieve immediate results.

I hope some of what I said made sense, it's a little late (early?) where I am.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1174

What you said make's sense, but it also leads to another part of my theory that I decided to leave out.

When Neo stopped the bullets he was able to see the code, which nulled all of the fear a normal human being would of had of the bullets? why? because he saw them simply as code, to be able to see it for what it is as a computer program and to know without a doubt in your mind that you can make things happen, and that this world is just a simulation, to be able to see the code of the matrix, gave Neo the reassurance needed for him to clear all disbelief of his abilites, allowing him to stop the bullets.

Like I said, There are no bullets...

I do not think his flying was an over-exaggerated hyperjump. As Morpheus stated things like Gravity inside of the matrix are rules, and rules can be bent or broken. If Neo could break the rules he could literally fly.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

I agree with some of what you're saying.

There's no reason that a redpill couldn't find like Neo, or do that blade-stopping-with-hand thing he did in the Chateau.

But I believe that his stopping of bullets and other amazing feats were because he rewrote the code, even if it was at a near subconcious level.

He rewrote the code of the bullets to stop them travelling - suddenly
they had nothing telling them to move. And he rewrote the code directly
in their area to kill gravity. Then, drop hand, gravity is back on.
Perhaps he can't permenantly rewrite code, only temporarily.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3027

Oh, one thing that never made sense to me.

Morpheus said that every man or woman who has fought an agent has died.
But agents will never be as strong or as fast as Neo because they are
still based on the system's rules.

Yet, technically, ALL redpills exceed the rules of the system. So
surely it should be possible to get everyone to the level of being able
to kill agents?

Or does it simply come down to knowing enough technique, and Neo had that capacity to store the information and nobody else did.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1174

Putting it into MxO terms...

I think Neo just must of had 1,000 or more points in memory compacity.


Scattershot, Duelist, Martial Arts(Loads of them)


And Im sure I'm forgetting some of him but the main ones I can remember right now is Scattershot, Duelist, and Martial Artist.

I'm sure that people have foughten agent's, but they die for other reasons. Take trinity for example, she killed an agent on the roof but you cant ACTUALLY kill an agent. So far only Neo(By deleting it's code) has been able to do it. We also see other accounts where a redpill comes close to beating an agent but not defeating it entirely.

-poins at Morpheus VS Agent in reloaded-

But yeah...It's general just better to run away, I think what Morpheus ment is usually the people who try and fight the Agents die because the Agents skill level is far greater then that...Remember when trinity saw Neo dodging bullets she said she had never seen anyone move that fast before.

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 23

i thought the same as you that anyone can do it, didnt really think it was a new thing but mayb people dont really think about certain things in the film.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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right on shouki....

remember your lucid dreams? the dreams when you realize its all a dream and you can control things?

perhaps this is the same idea as neo's skills--- he realized the matrix is a dreamworld and acted accordingly.

its no accident that hyperjump is improved with high belief.

"youve have to let it all go... free your mind."

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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Location: Old Zion Organization: EPN Instance: Recursion Operative Level: 50

I love all Ive read here, really a great read and insightful. One theory of my theories was that the reason Redpills seem to have more power then Operatives in the Movies(I.E Flying with HyperJump, Getting Shot Multiple Times.) is because having seen what Neo could do...the knowledge that It can be done was enough to free the minds of the Operatives that much more. If you know something can be done it's easier to accomplish it, much like how the Kid was able to comit Suicide and wake up in his pod...he knew it was fake so he didn't die.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1478
Location: The Black Knight

Very very true, I have always thought that if the matrix is Code and
Humans have the brain power, since they are part machine they can
rewrite it no matter if he/she is "The One", If you listen the One's
Power is given in a choice. Thats how Neo got to be "The One". Neo
choosen to Know it was fake, a dream if you will. So he Rewrite the
code to Revive him. He did alot with the power he was given. Remember
the movies was Based off the bible so Jesus[Neo] was Killed and came
back some odd days later. The revive in the hallway was only 2 secs not
days. so i dont think Neo is died.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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Location: Old Zion Organization: EPN Instance: Recursion Operative Level: 50

Well we know for sure that to some degree Neo is Still in the Matrix and that Sarah Edmonds might be his new RSI.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1478
Location: The Black Knight

Thats just dumb, sorry to say. But in the bible Jesus[Neo] came back as himself not a girl or another guy.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1956
Location: Old Zion Organization: EPN Instance: Recursion Operative Level: 50

I didn't put that Tabloid document into the game and I didnt pick her name which spells out Thomas Anderson when rearagend.. Neo isnt Jesus...may borrow from the bible but its not copying or folliowing the same Path.........

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1478
Location: The Black Knight

Its 84% taking stuff from the bible, do the math

i didnt call you dumb, i mean him being a woman is dumb.

Message Edited by Warboy090 on 08-18-2005 07:59 AM
Message edited by Warboy on 08/18/2005 03:59:06.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 1956
Location: Old Zion Organization: EPN Instance: Recursion Operative Level: 50

I agree I don't want him to be a female RSI...and I know you didn't call me dumb. :smileyhappy:

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