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The E Pluribus Neo Manifesto
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 5378

Shi+Xin+Feng wrote:


Imax, you are quoting Morpheus from a time before the end of the hostilities. In fact, it is documented that while Morpheus and Neo were together, they freed a record number of minds from the system. The Matrix is different now; more people are becoming aware, thanks in part to the everyday activities of the Awakened. The human mind is stronger than you credit it. The Sleepers realize that something is . . . amiss. You have only to read the paper to see that.

It does not take a mind-reader, or even an Oracle, to know what Neo wanted for humanity. One only has to look at his actions. . .and his sacrifice. Before Neo stood and faced Deus Ex Machina high on that black tower overlooking the Machine City, before he faced his final choice, before he even uttered the word "peace," he fought for us. Yes it is true that Neo died for peace, for that is what he could give us. Until that choice, though, he, like every other man and woman before him, fought the Machines every day. For what did they fight? For Peace? Co-Existence? No, my friends. They fought and died for the liberation of mankind.

Wrong again, they fought for survival. And now that there is no one to fight, no one threating thier lives, we have nothing to do but rebuild and live. We can live together, but EPN does not want that. They want what Smith wanted, they want everything. Selfishness is the ultimate sin and EPN is more selfish than anyone in the matrix. Even more than the Merv himself.

So, Just like human fought for thier survival, so will the machines. They will keep selfish humans from destroying the matrix, but in order to do that they need the other, non-selfish humans' help. Bluepills as well, the are dependent on the system to survive and they will fight to protect it. The things Morpheus said still hold true today. Things have changed, but they havent changed that  much.  Yes  more redpills have  been freed than ever before, but it has nothing to do with the human mind becoming more aware of the matrix, it has EVERYTHING to do with these 2 facts...

1. When neo was alive he was able to read the matrix like no one else, read the bluepills within the matrix and find the potentials much faster and much more accurately than the captains of the pre-neo era ever could.

2. After neo died and the truce started Zion had more freedom within the matrix than ever before. Able to roam within the matrix freely without having to worrie about agents. This inturn led to more ships, more captains, more redpills being awakend. They went from having ten ships to having HUNDREDS. You do the math, thats alot of man power and alot of redpills.

Now, think about how big the world is, and im talking about the world within the matrix. Billions of poeple just living out thier lives. Do you honestly think 00.1% of the human population have been awakend?  Absolutly not.  There are roughly 8 billion popele in the world (matrix) do you really think were even close to have awakend 8 million?

What you do know is, that history has shown that when you awaken a blue pill who is not ready for the truth, when you show him the world behind the curtain, they reactl violently and in most cases go insane and or die. In other cases they simply dont believe you. What EPN wants is to awaken every bluepill, and if not awaken them, the next best thing is to at least show them their choices, and if they are not able to do that then they will simply try their hardest to destroy the matrix, killing every blue pill connected to it.

That being said yes we will stop you from further harming other humans, and disrupting the system of which you really have no bussiness being a part of in the 1st place. And no you will not succeed.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4814

Shi+Xin+Feng wrote:

Now who thinks they know what Neo wanted, eh GodGiver?

Actually I only said what has been confirmed by the Neo fragments, nothing more.

((@TheArk: There is no post of yours with Cryptos in it in this thread. The only thing you said is to visit the Matrix Ressurection.))


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 376

imax wrote:
Shi+Xin+Feng wrote:

Wrong again, they fought for survival. And now that there is no one to fight, no one threating thier lives, we have nothing to do but rebuild and live. We can live together, but EPN does not want that. They want what Smith wanted, they want everything. Selfishness is the ultimate sin and EPN is more selfish than anyone in the matrix. Even more than the Merv himself.



You misdunderstand our objective my friend.

Humans are not slaves we are not to be used for the wellbeing of another species (if it can even be called that) Lets keep in mind machines are not alive.

Therefore animals have more rights than machines do.

Machines as we know them today are highly evolved thinking programs, yet with all their technological advances they still only mimic LIFE.

For that reason they have no right to terminate us, enslave us or even demand our respect.

All EPN wants is for mankind to be free, yes some are more carebear-like than others, but at the end we all want the same thing.

Oh one last thoght how could setting all humans free be consisdered a selfish act? are you not human as well?

Message edited by Rxu on 02/25/2007 09:59:46.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2202
Location: HvCFT Ishtar

It's a selfish act because they're putting their own desires over the well-being of others -- those that they're "freeing" -- because until there's room enough and food enough outside of the Matrix for those billions of bluepills, freeing them will only lead to misery and starvation.



Perceptive Mind

Joined: Aug 31, 2005
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Call transmit opt: received. REC:log>
Begin Download from EPN.Shared directory>

The problem of individualism and collectivism is closely related to that of equality and inequality. Before going on to discuss it, a few terminological remarks seem to be necessary.

The term ‘individualism’ can be used (according to the Oxford Dictionary) in two different ways: (a) in opposition to collectivism, and (b) in opposition to altruism. There is no other word to express the former meaning, but several synonyms for the latter, for example ‘egoism’ or ‘selfishness’. This is why in what follows I shall use the term ‘individualism’ exclusively in sense (a), using terms like ‘egoism’ or ‘selfishness’ if sense (b) is intended. A little table may be useful:
    (a) Individualism is opposed to (a') Collectivism.
    (b) Egoism is opposed to (b') Altruism

Plato’s gambit at this point was to collapse the table and make out a case for the inevitable conflict or tension between individualism and altruism.

Now a glance at our little table will show that this is not so. Collectivism is not opposed to egoism, nor is it identical with altruism or unselfishness. Collective or group egoism, for instance class egoism, is a very common thing, and this shows clearly enough that collectivism as such is not opposed to selfishness. On the other hand, an anti-collectivist, i.e. an individualist, can, at the same time, be an altruist; he can be ready to make sacrifices in order to help other individuals.

Now it is interesting that for Plato, and for most Platonists, an altruistic individualism (as for instance that of Dickens) cannot exist. According to Plato, the only alternative to collectivism is egoism; he simply identifies all altruism with collectivism, and all individualism with egoism. This is not a matter of terminology, of mere words, for instead of four possibilities, Plato recognized only two. This has created considerable confusion in speculation on ethical matters, even down to our own day.

Plato’s identification of individualism with egoism furnishes him with a powerful weapon for his defence of collectivism as well as for his attack upon individualism. In defending collectivism, he can appeal to our humanitarian feeling of unselfishness; in his attack, he can brand all individualists as selfish, as incapable of devotion to anything but themselves. This attack, although aimed by Plato against individualism in our sense, i.e. against the rights of human individuals, reaches of course only a very different target, egoism. But this difference is constantly ignored by Plato and by most Platonists.

Message edited by ath3na on 02/26/2007 11:36:35.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 5378

Rxu wrote:

You misdunderstand our objective my friend.

Humans are not slaves we are not to be used for the wellbeing of another species (if it can even be called that) Lets keep in mind machines are not alive.

Oh one last thoght how could setting all humans free be consisdered a selfish act? are you not human as well?

"Who is to say that a machines, endowed with the very spirit of man, did not deserve a fair trial?"

                                                                                                                                              ~The Animatrix

Who are you to force every human to make a choice that will most likey lead to thier death? 

And lets get one thing strait, you are no friend of mine.

Message edited by imax on 02/26/2007 12:08:56.


Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 376

imax wrote:
Rxu wrote:

You misdunderstand our objective my friend.

Humans are not slaves we are not to be used for the wellbeing of another species (if it can even be called that) Lets keep in mind machines are not alive.

Oh one last thoght how could setting all humans free be consisdered a selfish act? are you not human as well?

"Who is to say that a machines, endowed with the very spirit of man, did not deserve a fair trial?"

                                                                                                                                              ~The Animatrix

Who are you to force every human to make a choice that will most likey lead to thier death? 

And lets get one thing strait, you are no friend of mine.

You need to realize that humans would have never been put in this situation if it werent for the machines and their selfish need for energy.

If AI is so great and men endowed these machines with our spirit as you say, wouldn't they have experimented with other methods to gather energy.

 But of course it is easier to farm humans and feed them their own dead to use them as personal power plants.

Yeah humans had a need, they needed to work less and make their lives easier...and through the centuries we experimented with all sorts of tools and even today machines are a tool created by man to work for us.

So in principle it is wrong to defend the machines, as they are no better or greater than any appliance made to facilitate life for humans.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 5378

Rxu wrote:

You need to realize that humans would have never been put in this situation if it werent for the machines and their selfish need for energy.
If AI is so great and men endowed these machines with our spirit as you say, wouldn't they have experimented with other methods to gather energy.
But of course it is easier to farm humans and feed them their own dead to use them as personal power plants.
Yeah humans had a need, they needed to work less and make their lives easier...and through the centuries we experimented with all sorts of tools and
even today machines are a tool created by man to work for us.

So in principle it is wrong to defend the machines, as they are no better or greater than any appliance made to facilitate life for humans.

Listen you bafoon, and stop putting so many spaces between your lines.

The HUMANS destroyed the sky, and with it the very energy source that the machines needed to survive, alonf with the rest of the planet. Look around, nothing lives without electric powered UV light. There is no sun, and therfor no energy. But yes the Machines expiremented and tried MANY ways to produce engergy for them sleves. And the salavageing of the human body was the best answer to tha problem. After what the humans did to thier own world and how they tried to destroy the machines in the war, how can you blame them for takeing the path they did. How dare you blame someone for trying to survive.

All the machines ever wanted was to live together, but that was to much to ask then, and to much to ask now apprently.

((im going to go out on a limb and say youve never watched the 2nd Renaissance, if you havent you should, all these outragous claims have been asnwered already in those short films.))

Message edited by imax on 02/27/2007 08:46:00.

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 1206

GamiSB wrote:
BlueCode wrote:
shinpseudo wrote:
BlueCode wrote:
Code pulses, bombs, there all the same - and E Pluribus Neo dont have a problem with setting any of them off.
That little piece of ignorance nullifies any other potential credibility the remainder of your argument may have had.
What? You think that by insulting me it'll pass off the atrocities you've created and been a part of in the matrix? You fool.

Even you yourself have said that my statement may have some potential credibility. You know it's the truth.

    May have had. Meaning it could of, but it dont. Go back to sleep troll.

I didn't reply to this post for a while because it seemed to be needless aggrivation and it was very kid-like. (No pun intended. Ha.)

This is the last time I will point out your militant terrorist group's invalidility.

I will congratulate EPN on creating a very controversial thread, a manifesto of wibblings and ramblings on the actions of a suicidal freak called Neo. The truce that was made by neo himself, your god/leader/personaljesus is there for a reason guys - Machines, Merovingian and Humans in all levels, can exsist in peace. So why are you guys still blowing things up, and digging up graves?

Now you can go back to sleep. A rested head is a brighter one, eh?

Edit: Got rid of some nasty formatting.

Message edited by Cystil-MxO on 02/27/2007 09:57:34.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 376

imax wrote:


"Listen you bafoon, and stop putting so many spaces between your lines".

At this point I normally would stop replying as it is obvious this conversation has gone beyond your maturity level, But since there is little RP in-game....

 But yes the Machines expiremented and tried MANY ways to produce engergy for them sleves. And the salavageing of the human body was the best answer to tha problem.

Of course machines were designed to stop working without the power source of the sun..It is a fail safe system. Do you not enjoy the safety in knowing that if your PC was to never shut off on it's own that you have several ways to turn it off, including pulling the plug?

After what the humans did to thier own world and how they tried to destroy the machines in the war, how can you blame them for takeing the path they did. How dare you blame someone for trying to survive. 

Lets get one thing clear, "someone" is you,me and anybody else that lives and breathes, even those in the deepest of comma's, but no machine is a "someone" they are after all machines Do you formally call an ATM machine Miss? or Mrs? I thought so.

Your argument still is surrounded by a dillusional thought that these machines care about you somehow when we all know that if they really understood what caring was, they would never have kept us in these pods. Also anybody that truly cares is capable of giving their own life in exchange for another .

Never seen a machine do that, nor will I ever.

It was the machines purpose to serve us, just like it is our purpose to survive, it has been the same since the beggining of time.

Message edited by Rxu on 02/27/2007 10:27:04.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 2202
Location: HvCFT Ishtar

Rxu wrote:
Lets get one thing clear, "someone" is you,me and anybody else that lives and breathes, even those in the deepest of comma's, but no machine is a "someone" they are after all machines

Anything that is intelligent is a "someone". 


Rxu wrote:

It was the machines purpose to serve us, just like it is our purpose to survive, it has been the same since the beggining of time.

This is the old, rather tired argument of any society that kept slaves...that a certain race/class/gender was designed (by either Nature or God) to be subservient to another race/class/gender.



Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 5378

Rxu wrote:

Of course machines were designed to stop working without the power source of the sun..It is a fail safe system. Do you not enjoy the safety in knowing that if your PC was to never shut off on it's own that you have several ways to turn it off, including pulling the plug?

Lets get one thing clear, "someone" is you,me and anybody else that lives and breathes, even those in the deepest of comma's, but no machine is a "someone" they are after all machines Do you formally call an ATM machine Miss? or Mrs? I thought so.

"What Lyr Said"

Your argument still is surrounded by a dillusional thought that these machines care about you somehow when we all know that if they really understood what caring was, they would never have kept us in these pods. Also anybody that truly cares is capable of giving their own life in exchange for another .

And yours is still surrounded by the dillusional thought that you know what all bluepills want and you know what Neo wanted. Machines may not genuinly care for anything. But they understand what the word "CARE" means. By that fact alone they can do somthing that many humans can not do. ((Rewatch Neo's conversation with Ramacondra In Revolutions in the trainman's subway station)) Machines live by rules and somtimes they break those rules becasue they "Care" about what happens to them self and/or thier "loved ones"

The machines "Cared" enough to try to make the most pleasent world imgainable for the blue pills, but when that didnt work, they tried to make the most realisitic world possible for them. And guess what...  99.9% of thoseblue pills like it. That remaing 0.1% are free to leave. What more could you ask for?


It was the machines purpose to serve us, just like it is our purpose to survive, it has been the same since the beggining of time.

"What Lyr said"

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