and now its THAT day. Again - TY
Take it easy, Rarebit. Don't be a stranger.
You spent roughly 15-20 days of my life and for once I don't want it back. Enjoy what's coming to you. You've earned your rest.
Adios, amigo. Don't be afraid to keep in touch.
Siyanara Rarebit. Good luck and enjoy your future. Stay in touch and give a shout if you ever need anything.
Again it has been a pleasure.
"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.'
Take care Rare!Don't forget the community..
In case I or anyone else hasn't said it yet (yeah, my memory is that bad)...
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Thank you for all of your hard work, Rarebit. You made this game an awesome place to play in. The dedication and over-time you have put in to this game is amazing. Your live events were awesome, and the way you balanced everything on your plate was pretty much super human. It feels really weird knowing that you're not going to be here any more.. Because through thick and thin, I knew that we had a good guy at the helm. The Matrix Online will never be the same place without you. Thanks for all the amazingly great times! Good luck in all your future endeavors!
I'll see you on the other side of the looking glass.
- Mercio
Now that it's actually sinking in that you're leaving, I keep typing stuff, but it just isn't happening. Eh... this game holds a special place in my heart, and a lot of the joy that came from it would not have been possible were it not for you, Rare. We were blessed to have you around. The future after this may be uncertain, but I'm sure it'll be okay for you and all of us.
Hm, mid-post pick me up.
Anyways, thanks again, and good luck with the new plans. You're a creative guy, and if all the cinematics, graphics, scripts, interactions and whatnot you've managed over the years are any indication, surely they'll be cool whatever they are. We'll see you around. (Psst, at least _consider_ coming to FanFaire 09? )
...So now it's the whole internet instead of a few regionservers... time to find... a star?!
Rarebit wrote:
It just goes to show that even after years of eavesdropping on private channels and pouring through server chat logs, there are still a lot of things I have to learn about people.
I see Rarebit in the online users list, 9mm and Dracomet not throwing an office party for you?
A great sadness about something good ending before its time.
You'll be back.
When I first heard the news I was angry now that I've had some time for it to settle in or as Rarebit says "digested and thoroughly chewed over" (lol) I've come to the conclusion that I am thankful for the time we had. these are good memories of events over the past few years and i'm glad I was able to be part of that so on that note, thankx Rarebit for all you done for the community and I wish you the best on your new career or whatever it is you plan to do to make money in this bad economy. See you on the other side of the looking glass...