When revolutions finished, the one was taken back to his primary home, the source. It is here I feel, that he was taken back to the source, and re-inserted back into the matrix during the "server restart". The One is apart of the equation. And when re-inserted to the source. He is put back into simulation in a number of "code pieces". Piece's that together, may re-form his RSI. The last we head of morpheus, there were alot of rumour's sayig he *was* alive, being held in a construct after being heavily wounded from the attack of the assassin. Maybe Morpheus, or follower's of Neo (the kid, shimada etc.) Are searching for the one's "fragments". To piece him back together. If this is correct, then my question would be. What next. What will Neo do if he is indeed reformed!? I'm also wondering what's going on with Anome, is he dead, or just badly wounded? Surely taking the killcode is more then enough to make you survive a mere bullet. (<3 the cinematic, btw!) Anywho, that's my 2$!
spha x
When revolutions finished, the one was taken back to his primary home, the source. It is here I feel, that he was taken back to the source, and re-inserted back into the matrix during the "server restart". The One is apart of the equation. And when re-inserted to the source. He is put back into simulation in a number of "code pieces". Piece's that together, may re-form his RSI. The last we head of morpheus, there were alot of rumour's sayig he *was* alive, being held in a construct after being heavily wounded from the attack of the assassin. Maybe Morpheus, or follower's of Neo (the kid, shimada etc.) Are searching for the one's "fragments". To piece him back together. If this is correct, then my question would be. What next. What will Neo do if he is indeed reformed!? I'm also wondering what's going on with Anome, is he dead, or just badly wounded? Surely taking the killcode is more then enough to make you survive a mere bullet. (<3 the cinematic, btw!) Anywho, that's my 2$! spha x
His mind and body are present in the simulation. Even the glue to affix them is there. However, it would mean the "death" of a bluepill, and if he were to come back, he would not be the God everyone wants him to be.
Leave him peace, he has earned it.
If this is correct, then my question would be. What next. What will Neo do if he is indeed reformed!? I'm also wondering what's going on with Anome, is he dead, or just badly wounded? Surely taking the killcode is more then enough to make you survive a mere bullet. (<3 the cinematic, btw!) Anywho, that's my 2$! spha x
If this is correct, then my question would be. What next. What will Neo do if he is indeed reformed!? I'm also wondering what's going on with Anome, is he dead, or just badly wounded? Surely taking the killcode is more then enough to make you survive a mere bullet. (<3 the cinematic, btw!) Anywho, that's my 2$!
To me it looks like (not saying it is!!) Trinity....but it can't be, cause she is dead....right?
The fate of Trinity's remains has never been verified to date...the documents of an exile program known as the Assassin, whose purpose was once recycling the corpses of the humans plugged into the Matrix, claim that he was not allowed to recycle Trinity's corpse, and that the machines were planning some kind of project for it.
An excellent twist (though it would never happen): Agent Pace is the recovered remains of Neo/Trinitys minds WHO will be the New One for this version of the matrix after assimilating the the remains of the Old One from Ver6. Sara E. is the lost fragments of that woman who was transformed into an agent (in the 2nd movie burly brawl scene) who was then assimilated by the Smiths WHO become the new Smith. Yeah... would make for an interresting story... but not likely to happen.