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THE CAPABILITIES OF MXO (Devs. please take a look)
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Hidden Resource

Joined: Oct 4, 2005
Messages: 12
Location: Agusta, GA

yo, hows it going , ok well this is simple mxo has mass capabilities for updates mainly mxo should lean towards a mix with GTA 4 style game play, with cops and etc... 3rd person free fire and press button system for your physical attacks , along with more weapons like gernades, plantable bombs, gernade launchers(that equip to assualt rifle types) also with rocket launchers. Also the capability of owning properties as such: clubs(with the avialability or uploading music personalized from the owner/DJ) or club/fight clubs with hosting tournament capabilities, cars, bikes(cars and bike customization with drive by and use of all weapons from inside the cars), helicopters and planes and jets(with assualt capabilites), and of course a garage to place them in even garages at the club/fight club *note: these things such as clubs/fight clubs and garages should be fractionalized or oriented to your clan that pulls money together for these properties* also for individuals apartments houses(MXO's vast maps has these capabilities and room) that can be customized, JUST THESE THINGS ALONE will bring back the mass players mxo had and MORE. The capability to own the car places that sell cars housing developements and clubs etc. the capabilities to actually preforme a sneaky tactical operation(such as setting c4 for entrances and blinding gernades/smoke bombs along with the abaility to blow up the building that your enemy is contained in.) on an enemy fractions operations or full out war on their turfs(MASS PROPERTY OWNAGE and DAMAGING)*note such as using the jets for bombing 1 per clan* and also having property insurance for such cases and so on... these developements would massivly attrack players as to say it's easy to atract bees with honey then it is garbage, cause well BEES LIKE HONEY!!!!!

Message edited by sakuzi on 04/27/2009 01:55:41.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3275
Location: Lost in La Mancha


Message edited by Villemar_MxO on 04/27/2009 02:23:06.

Hidden Resource

Joined: Oct 4, 2005
Messages: 12
Location: Agusta, GA

what the?? is that like thanks for being supportive i can tell you like the same old boring thing over and over and nobody to do that same boring thing over and over with...right?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 3275
Location: Lost in La Mancha

sakuzi wrote:

what the?? is that like thanks for being supportive i can tell you like the same old boring thing over and over and nobody to do that same boring thing over and over with...right?

But we have literally no devs anymore.  



Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Jan 26, 2006
Messages: 1012


Message edited by The_Bruceter on 04/27/2009 03:31:28.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Croesis wrote:

So basically, scrap the existing engine/game code (Basically everything that is MxO) and create a GTA clone MMO from the ground up? You expect SOE to do this?

Also owning property in the Matrix is a strange idea explainable for exiles, but for humans?


Joined: Apr 7, 2009
Messages: 28

Umm...listen that sounds great...but it ain't gonna happen. You are describing a totally new game that would have to be built from the ground up. I just recently re-subbed because I think there may be ways to keep mxo alive for awhile and maybe even up the player population a little bit but we will not be getting vehicular travel capabilities or destructible environments. We just won't. Here is what we need to know before we can begin to make any headway......

1. Approx how many players still have active mxo subs ? That would give us some idea as to the budget soe has to work with vis a vi MXO.

2. Will we be getting someone to replace rarebit ? If there are no plans in the forseeable future to replace him , we need to know. If the answer is no then the players who have subbed the longest and know the most about the game should be given whatever tools are available (if any) so that we inject some life into this sim and give it a fighting chance. If not that then by community vote.

3. I'm new since October but I heard some talk about a massive bidding war maybe 6 weeks ago about some sort of device that had potential in creating role-play scenarios. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the item and maybe it was just a rumor. Does such a device actually exist ?

4. Why will no one from SOE take the time, if even for a moment, just to level w/ us and tell us the bloody score so we can all stop yelling at each other and get to work improving our lot or failing that salvaging what we can.

5. Lastly, there is something about Chamberlain's goodbye post that has stuck in my craw for some reason. I'm not going to back and re-read it but did he say something to the effect "...I don't have the capability of giving mxo what it deserves...". A little clarification of what that means would be helpful.

I want to help in any way possible. If any body has some ideas that for whatever reason they don't want to post on the forums or has formulated a plan already (seeing as it seems the redpill alliance went bust) I'd like to help. My in game e-mail is TwoGunGamble on the recursion server. Peace.

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Jun 28, 2006
Messages: 44
Location: The Daniel Institute


But serioulsy, this just can't and wont be done!
Could be fun im sure, but it's just to unrealistic mate..even if we had devs I doubt a game change like this would be possible.

Message edited by ArchangeI on 04/28/2009 03:42:02.


Joined: Oct 1, 2007
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Location: Vector-Hostile Faction: Twisted Titans Rank: Commander

In the spirit of earlier posts!

As good as it is to be keen!



Message edited by Ra2za on 04/29/2009 08:25:55.

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