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[8.1.2] Continued extraction of humans will not be tolerated - Vector - 7/20/07
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Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

That is not specific.  This is just the bare introduction of the truce.  I've never seen that Zion was limited to 1%.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 10, 2006
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ZaneZavin wrote:
That is not specific.  This is just the bare introduction of the truce.  I've never seen that Zion was limited to 1%.

Not everything is spelled out nor should it be spelled out.  Comon The Architect in Reloaded said that The Oracle stumbled upon a solution by where 99% of the subject accepted the simulation, as long as they were given a choice.  Now couple that with what he said at the end of Revolution, viola. 


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

No.  It doesn't make sense.  Why would the Machines fear the strain caused by only releasing 1%?  99% accepted it and 1% didn't, the 1% would undoubtedly be the easiest to free, but why would Zion stop there?

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 10, 2006
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ZaneZavin wrote:
No.  It doesn't make sense.  Why would the Machines fear the strain caused by only releasing 1%?  99% accepted it and 1% didn't, the 1% would undoubtedly be the easiest to free, but why would Zion stop there?

Who says they haven't approach ones outside the 1%?  They probably have and they probably all chose the bluepill. 

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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because 1% of the energy was all that can be spared I guess. The truce said that Zion was allowed to free those that wanted out. The Architect said that only 1% of all humans want out. If Zion freed people from the 99% then the Machines could take action. Why it is limited to only 1% is simple, thats all that wants out. Zion wasn't wanting to free everyone, just those that wanted to be free. Sumed up Zion stoped at only the 1% because thats all they could without being wiped out.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

1% reject the simulation does not equate to only 1% want out.  We don't know for sure what the 1% are.  They could be the 1% that die in the pods because they don't accept the programming.  The idea is that as long as there is a choice even if it is only subconscious the majority of subjects will accept the programming.  They also talked about it being easier to free people when they are young.  If it's all about a raw 1% that reject it, why would age matter?


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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"The ones that want out" are those who subconsciously reject the System. Zion was not permitted to free those who were unaware of the System, and subconsciously accepted the System without a problem, as they do not "want out" (they don't know there is an out, and might not even believe it if they did).

As for this... operation, and the redpills that assisted in it...

Do you not remember your roots? Would you remain questioning the existence of not only yourselves but of the so called world around you within the simulation?

You are killing your own. Forcing a worthless existence upon those who do not desire it. And why? Because they told you to? Because there is no longer a Truce?

Some things change depending upon the circumstances surrounding them. Others, such as awakenings, do not. In times of peace, and times of war, we must awaken those who are willing. Not for us, but for them. They have a right to the truth. They have a right to sanity. They have a right to understand what is truly real.

Think back to your own awakening. Imagine an Agent killing those who were aiding in your extraction. Imagine them killing you.
Now look at what you're doing. You have become the Agents in this situation, and you are killing yourselves.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4372
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

1% isn't the number freed. Its the number that have the potential to be freed. That reject the system . Rejection and wanting out go hand in hand. You don't want to stay in a place that you can't stand the smell of right? Same goes for the Matrix they don't like the smell and want out. Will all the 1% take red? I'm sure a few won't but will later hate themselves for it. Will they all want to stay red? Obviously not look at Cypher.

The age thing is only in appliance as to how they react to the truth. Think about it, who is going to come to terms faster that the world was a lie, a five year old kid or a 70 year old man. The older you are the more of a blow it is to hear the truth.


Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

1% is not a threat.  The Machines would have no reason to fear One Percent.  I think you have taken one little morsel that was spoken and interpreted it to mean much more than it does.  As it stands there is no evidence on either side to clarify what is indeed the truth.  It is all about belief.  You believe in limitations apparently.   I  do not.  Free your mind Gami.


Jacked Out

Joined: Apr 25, 2007
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Location: Syntax Organization: Cypherite Faction:Insomnia Diversion

((WOw those were some bad *CENSORED* screens))


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 3118
Location: The Saltpillar

ZaneZavin wrote:
1% is not a threat.  The Machines would have no reason to fear One Percent.  I think you have taken one little morsel that was spoken and interpreted it to mean much more than it does.  As it stands there is no evidence on either side to clarify what is indeed the truth.  It is all about belief.  You believe in limitations apparently.   I  do not.  Free your mind Gami.

No limitations now - they're all "off limits". Free whoever the hell wants to be freed.

But one percent of the population of the Matrix is a rather large number. Assuming there are only 3 billion bluepills plugged into the Matrix, that's 30 million who reject it subconsciously, given the one percent approximation. The Machines fear that we might awaken all of those 30 million and have them stand with us to defend our cities.

As well they should - the last I checked, the sentinel fleet hovering near Zion only numbered half a million, and that's before Stalingrad and whatever reinforcing and production they've done. But given that figure, it's a sixty to one ratio in favor of Zion.

You think they'd permit that to happen just because the inhabitants are going crazy and can no longer handle the mental and physical limitations and stress of the Matrix? Of course not - they only see the bluepills as batteries. Why else would they openly sponsor the Cypherite organization as a means to prevent awakenings during the Truce? They feared losing their power, even though it was well within our right to remove them from the System.

They don't give a *CENSORED* about the bluepills.

((Kanye West: The Architect doesn't care about bluepills.))


Systemic Anomaly

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Looks like it's time to start taking some action...



Joined: Sep 15, 2005
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GamiSB wrote:
Oh I know, just questioning the logic behind keeping people from freeing them as they do more harm inside then out.

Oh thats not a problem.  They just kill them instead of awakening them.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
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Location: London Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo Server: Syntax

You are cowards and traitors to help the machines. For now you have purpose but what happens if Zion falls? Who will you turn to when the Machines decide you no longer have a purpose.

We have other extraction points, we will free who does who wish to take the redpill and go over your god damed 1% til every human pluged in has been given a choice.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4814

Asa wrote:
GamiSB wrote:
Oh I know, just questioning the logic behind keeping people from freeing them as they do more harm inside then out.

Oh thats not a problem.  They just kill them instead of awakening them.

Nope, the Cypherites will kill them for them. The Machines metal hands stay clean.

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