Message Edited by Rsync on 11-22-2005 07:57 PM
Message Edited by Rsync on 11-22-2005 09:09 PM
Aiyalla wrote:Loving the e-mail! ^_^ Quick question, though... can we send mail to a large group, say a faction, just by using the faction name? I know SWG guild leaders had the power to send "guild mail" Is that a possiblility?
Message Edited by davemusic on 11-22-2005 10:22 PM
Rsync wrote:The ability to create distribution lists would be very powerful, but being able to email an entire faction would rock.
Message Edited by NEO1O1 on 11-23-2005 12:17 AM
There seems to be some sort of decay bug, causing your clothes to loose stability points rapidly. It happens mostly when switching load outs, particularly when unloading abilities. I haven't narrowed it down to which abilities, and I don't have enough clothes to waste trying.
Message Edited by sugaree on 11-23-2005 02:41 PM