Umm...listen that sounds great...but it ain't gonna happen. You are describing a totally new game that would have to be built from the ground up. I just recently re-subbed because I think there may be ways to keep mxo alive for awhile and maybe even up the player population a little bit but we will not be getting vehicular travel capabilities or destructible environments. We just won't. Here is what we need to know before we can begin to make any headway......
1. Approx how many players still have active mxo subs ? That would give us some idea as to the budget soe has to work with vis a vi MXO.
2. Will we be getting someone to replace rarebit ? If there are no plans in the forseeable future to replace him , we need to know. If the answer is no then the players who have subbed the longest and know the most about the game should be given whatever tools are available (if any) so that we inject some life into this sim and give it a fighting chance. If not that then by community vote.
3. I'm new since October but I heard some talk about a massive bidding war maybe 6 weeks ago about some sort of device that had potential in creating role-play scenarios. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the item and maybe it was just a rumor. Does such a device actually exist ?
4. Why will no one from SOE take the time, if even for a moment, just to level w/ us and tell us the bloody score so we can all stop yelling at each other and get to work improving our lot or failing that salvaging what we can.
5. Lastly, there is something about Chamberlain's goodbye post that has stuck in my craw for some reason. I'm not going to back and re-read it but did he say something to the effect "...I don't have the capability of giving mxo what it deserves...". A little clarification of what that means would be helpful.
I want to help in any way possible. If any body has some ideas that for whatever reason they don't want to post on the forums or has formulated a plan already (seeing as it seems the redpill alliance went bust) I'd like to help. My in game e-mail is TwoGunGamble on the recursion server. Peace.