It appears that you long for something long since lost, Soluma. You're the Zion liaison, so could it perhaps be your humanity?
(OOC - Melancholy is always a good read, I enjoyed it)
All I need is a good night's lucidity.
Don't we all. I have to say this has endeared you to me somewhat.
Haha, I appreciate that.
Sol, I know how you feel. God knows I do. I would look out of my apartment in Magog and look at the unblinking lights of the city, I felt that cold chill. I felt alone. I felt like the city would rise up and consume me darkness
And then something happened, and I lost a little bit more than my humanity in the process. Then I came here, to Zion, and I felt the same cold chill, I still felt alone. I could still see the consuming darkness rising.
It's a never ending battle, trying to escape the Shadow of the wold, trying to find your own Shadow.
I should know, all that's left of me is nothing but Shadow. Shadow of the one who died...
There is nothing wrong with searching Soluma, I believe in the act of doing so, we have the opportunity learn something of ourselves we may not have understood before the search began.
I can only speak to my own restlessness and say when it occurs I focus on it to find its source. I believe if I strive to know myself I may find the peace that my soul aches for. But I I harbor no illusions that what I may find could be something I didn't want in the first place but once found I can never be unfound.
If all else fails to calm you. I would simply suggest find that thing, a memory, smell, taste, an image, a feeling that makes you warm and safe whenever you encounter it and focus on it. Hold it tightly around you as if it was a blanket or shroud and for as much time as you can enjoy the calm, for these brief moments is all we can afford I feel.
We live is a dangerous world and share it with those would bring harm to those you would defend with your life.
Take solace when and were you can for our futures are not guaranteed and only through perseverance can humanity truly be given a chance to have a future.