Was a good mission, but why was Ghost wearing his old apparel?
Gerik wrote:Was a good mission, but why was Ghost wearing his old apparel? He can shoot the front tire off of an airplane about to take off, yet he can't change his clothes? ^^;;
Strange that he was anxious and impatient in the cinematic then quite calm here.
I knew this Intruder was going to be annoying. But yeah can't believe he hacked into one of our hubs. Maybe he is after Neo afterall.
Lol, someone hacks into a Zion network hub and you think he's Neo!
Vinia wrote:Lol, someone hacks into a Zion network hub and you think he's Neo! No, I didn't say he was Neo, I said he's looking for him. I he was also looking at Heart O' City Hotel, where Morpheus and Neo first meet. I still think Mr Wireframe guy, may want Neo. and lol Hidden XD and why hasn't Ghost still got his cool White Jacket on anymore? it looked so much better than his dull grey one.