Three level 100 Agents should spawn. Must spawn. Also, because of their high level and as a result, uber damage already, they need a special FM-1500* that does 1 dps. Ta da, problem fixed. Now, to bug the devs about it repeatedly...
HJing NPCs? Proxy Masters will be very glad. Let the proxy hunt down the runners while sitting on a bench. I'd like to see that ^_^
This has been brought up before, but I feel lite trying again. Currently no matter how many lvl 50s attack an agent he just wont die. This is because of the resistance in lvls. In the QA for instance 5 lvl 50s could defend themselves against an agent and kill him in about 15 minutes. Yes I know what Morpheus have said but even in CR1 we were able to kill agents and Trinity also killed one, not to mention the other matrix games where you had to get rid of the agent in various ways. But agents there were definetely not invincible as they are now. For those that agree suggestions for changes? For those that don't , why is that you don't agree?
You can kill them, you just need 2 level 255 agents on your team.
I find it funny how in the patch they took away the lvl 255 agents from missions. I think that the agents should be lvl 70 and spawn only to resrticted playes as they do now. That give players a chance to damage them but still makes the agents a huge threat. Making the agents lvl 255 should have to do with the whole cheat code thing. That would make more since then saying that the agents are all automatically lvl 255. That would mean that Niobe wouldn't be lvl 60 she would be lvl 200 considering she had to fight a couple agents herself. That would also make Morpheus and Trinity lvl 225 at least, making Neo lvl 270 seeing how he was able to fight Agents and still get hit.
And you cheapen as Redpills even further with us keeping at 50.
As stated, level 60-70 Agents would be perfect.
Meh. They nerfed my Elite Commando / Zombie Scourge / Smithling farmers.
I recently start to ask myself, "Self what keeps the matrix running?"
Self answered, "Fear of the level 255 agents, of course!" "Remember the Level 255 agent slaughter @ Chelsea NW on Vector when Keterina set of those code pulse devices?"
But what if you removed the lvl 255 agents from the system? There has to be some sort of server that spawns them. Some server that creates them. Probably in the government building.
Self answered, "What about the Merovingian? Wouldn't he over run the Matrix with lvl 55-60 Lupines?"
But not if there were a power choke on the Matrix which controlled the amount of power suppied by the human pods. A device that limited the amount of beings in the Matrix.......
"Is there such a device?"
If there isn't then there should be. Then we could take out the servers creating the 255's and choke off the power so the Merovingian couldn't create hoardes of NPC's...
Just a thought, (I work by myself all day and think way too much....)
Maybe with this sort of "Leverage" Zion could re-negoitate "The Truce".
Grace of Darkness wrote: I find it funny how in the patch they took away the lvl 255 agents from missions. I think that the agents should be lvl 70 and spawn only to resrticted playes as they do now. That give players a chance to damage them but still makes the agents a huge threat. Making the agents lvl 255 should have to do with the whole cheat code thing. That would make more since then saying that the agents are all automatically lvl 255. That would mean that Niobe wouldn't be lvl 60 she would be lvl 200 considering she had to fight a couple agents herself. That would also make Morpheus and Trinity lvl 225 at least, making Neo lvl 270 seeing how he was able to fight Agents and still get hit. And you cheapen as Redpills even further with us keeping at 50.As stated, level 60-70 Agents would be perfect.
No, we all know how easy it is to wonder into 0-1 and make fun of the TM who is level 60. I have help kill the level 70 Sim in the orc construct. I think that the Agents that you are supposed to run from should be about 100, mabey even 150.
''I am not going to lie to you Neo. Everyone who has ever stood up to an Agent has died''
We have to keep that, they kill redpills on their own extremely easy, heck, they sent 3 Agents to attack the meeting at the start of Reloaded and all the redpills ran as they know that they have no chance, even with Neo there, 3 Agents must be a handful if they were going after someone.
They are level 255 for a reason. The only other acceptable level would be 127. I'd say lower their resistances and health regen rate and especially their damage output. Of every agent fight we see in the movie not once was someone killed as quick as we die. We should at least survive for 10 rounds before we die so we have a chance to roll out and run.
They are level 255 for a reason. The only other acceptable level would be 127.