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01/29/2006 10:02:51
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Mainframe Invader
Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 472
Location: HvCFT Argus // Recursion Instance
## Broadcast Depth ##
## Incoming Transmission... ##
## Ex \\ HvCFT Argus ##
## Relay Initialized ##
They tried to keep me in....
They tried to keep me quiet....
They failed and I made it Home
I can't believe I made it back alive. More than I can say for those other poor bastards. Walking the rigging of Zion one more time, meditating at the temple gates, feeling the true dirt of the earth beneath my feet one more time. Being home was more like a drug to me than a 'vacation' as the Commander put it. In any case, they have finally reinstated my flight status and approved the use of captain Rowan's ship...Captain....Eh, nonsense.
I guess I should probably let everyone know that I'm still alive, and not for the lack of trying on the Machines part. This transmission is most undoubetdly bugged so I will speak in generalities, however at the end I do have a more personal message in mind. In any case, I escaped my captors and left not one of them alive. Why they assigned nameless fools to guard me I'll never know, perhaps arrogance on the Machines parts.
But here I am, in the flesh and code of the Matrix once more and I find myself up to my same old tricks. You think I would have learned my lesson by now, but some people are just incourageble it seems. Now my hatred for the Machines is even stronger, their attempt to silence me has failed, though they succeeded in destroying everyone I ever cared about.
Since I know you're listening, I'll save you the trouble of the trace, I'm in Moriah, the eastern spot, my favorite, but I won't be here long. So if you'd like to fight, I suggest you hurry before I move on to some of my other old haunts. Just know this slaves, you failed to kill me in the Matrix, you failed to kill me in the Desert, and you failed to kill me in Zion. Now I'm back, and death is on its way for you, perhaps my luck will be a bit better than yours was in this endeavour. Enjoy your fleeting moments of life, because now the eyes of the Guardian are upon you; and it is only a matter of time.
That will be all for now, I'm going to hang up this phone, and I'm going to wreak havoc upon the sanity you have built my Machinist friends. You stole my life from me, and now...it is time to pay the piper.
## HvCFT Log Entry: *A%&Entry Removed From File&%A* ##
## End Transmission ##
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