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[7.3.1] Where those "Pure Mosh" flyers have been coming from - Syntax - 5/31/07
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EPN Leader

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
Messages: 52

The Morpheus investigation is getting...real complicated.



Joined: Nov 14, 2005
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Location: London, UK

First! Who on earth could JM be?

Jacked Out

Joined: Jan 31, 2007
Messages: 546

That would be the single clue to which our next search begins.

L o r d  T y g r v a s o n

Message edited by LordTygrvason on 06/01/2007 20:53:05.


Joined: Nov 30, 2005
Messages: 929
Location: A van, down by the Aquaduct.

tr0n wrote:
First! Who on earth could JM be?
Only in-game character that springs to mind is, as Pyroclasam suggested during the event, John Moira (leader of the Brothers of Destiny, in Akasaka).

Message edited by LoTekGhost on 06/01/2007 20:18:04.


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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Job well done guys.

And sence our wonderful leader has decided to just skip over the congrats in order to say his amazingly well thought out, deep, and life altering message I guess I will.

Nice job ShiX for being the first EPN to find Terry
W00t TW2 for takeing the time and effort to lead a serach for the truck sights
Nice find Seredipity for locating the documents in the last room.
And good job to anyone else who helped get us to this point what with finding Dromues, talking to Bradley, Tengfei, all the while dealing with false info and the like.



Message edited by GamiSB on 06/01/2007 21:40:27.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4367
Location: Syntax Server Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo HvCFT: Anderson's Heart

Message edited by GamiSB on 06/01/2007 20:57:33.

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Jun 19, 2006
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Location: Ft. Benning, Ga

(( Still love the fact that those corporates didnt see me sneak past and go directly down the elevator to the exile area and take a backdoor entry as well as a few others to the other end of the building where the corporate security who had what EPN was looking for on them. But wait a tic... How did Kid get into and through without doing what most of us did???? 0.o hmmm.... Think some explaining will need to be done on his end. That sploiter him.. XD ))

(( also how the heck did everyone catch up to me when i was at the fourth floor almost to the fith floor elevator doors. I then see TPaine and Seren just out of no where blaze past through and everyone was making to the second floor? SPEED SPLOIT... lol Jk.. Though explanation on how would be nice =P ))

MC Photographer

Joined: May 26, 2006
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Location: Syntax

Dear Michael;

Thank you for not giving credit to the people in our faction or our faction in general, for the work we did during this event. Yes, every faction did their part in this, but it was Epauch who knew the bluepill's name, ShiXinFeng who found him first I believe(out of EPN, not Zion -_-), TasteeWheat2 tracked the trucks and Serenipidy found the documents. Now 2 out of the 4 people I've stated got a reward and someone who I haven't stated got one. I'm just here to post that I think that the people who actually knew some of this crap and did something, besides killing security, should of gotten something, atleast been reconized for their efforts or reconize the faction. All I'm asking is for you to atleast reconize what the people did or the faction they were apart of.

Very Pissed-Off EPN Member

Message edited by Gerik on 06/01/2007 22:25:48.


Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Devildog

This is the first I'm hearing about printings and Spee-D and whatnot...

But, I do know one thing.  Kwicker Printing has been used before...  to deliver high-gloss, tri-fold pamphlets.

The shipment was to be taken to the airport, and the driver was told he'd know the hanger.  It was full of helicopters and a bunch of guys that looked like government agents.  This invoice was dated around the time the LED Agents were damaging hardlines.


Do NOT be fooled by the General.  He is still alive, and as long as he is, he is going to do everything in his power to restart hostilities between humans and Machines.


Joined: Nov 30, 2005
Messages: 929
Location: A van, down by the Aquaduct.

Fen wrote:

But, I do know one thing.  Kwicker Printing has been used before...  to deliver high-gloss, tri-fold pamphlets.

The shipment was to be taken to the airport, and the driver was told he'd know the hanger.  It was full of helicopters and a bunch of guys that looked like government agents.  This invoice was dated around the time the LED Agents were damaging hardlines.

That'd be's what I retrieved from an archival mission some time back (sprung to mind after reviewing this thread):

Kwicker Printing!  Used by mysterious Exiles and businessmen all across Megacity!

Message edited by LoTekGhost on 06/01/2007 21:51:01.

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 24, 2007
Messages: 535
Location: The Real

"J.M.", eh?  Hm...

For Neo,

Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 25, 2007
Messages: 173

Hm... Indeed, Zeissman. Well-played, Pluribus.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 1133
Location: London Organization: EPN Faction: E Pluribus Neo Server: Syntax

((Rarebit you suck, thats all I am going say))

JM is a key, sometimes you find the key before you find the lock.

Jacked Out

Joined: May 20, 2006
Messages: 7507

## Establishing Secure Communications Link Please Wait....##
##Secure Link Established##
//Prepare for Incoming Transmission
From Cpt. Darkangelus, The Darkwing //
##Begin Transmission##

Well done everyone. We've spent alot of time this week tracking down lead after lead to find out what we have.
Prevailing through it all, even when it looked almost hopeless on where to go next.
Dibol, SEPET for one, well done on all your work this week, as for anyone who has helped out with finding out the relevant information to over the last seven days. Not to mention those who found the blue's name on a scan, and his location in the Matrix.
As a "team" we have been successfull, we would'nt of succeeded alone.
Well done E PLuribus Neo! We've got more work to do!
Congrats to those who where rewarded.

Thank you Kid!

## End Transmission ##

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