Now that the game's shutting down, maybe it's time to reveal those secret alts of yours for everyone to see. Or maybe everyone knew anyway. In any case, post you you were/are!
Joke Characters:LuckoDartNoobSnake0xDEADBEEFAeternuDrekavakGarbageCollectorILikeInsecticideLieutenantFancyPantsMaaaaaaMrGlasPrimitiveRenderStatePrimSimThaxNeoninex4untJemima01100BeryIBroomfondIeMichaelJacksonComesToMXONukerSimulacraPBladeIsReallyWhitePr1mordiaPriamaPrimaroPrimoraPrimoralisPrimorcliaPrimord1aPrimorireaper2vBayaliKaithasBayamosTrialPrimordia2InsecticideJugggggerrnaautMariLookAlikeoyveyJacobianNEONEONEONEONEOTHEONETHEONE1111NEOSBROTHERANDTHEORACLESSON1111PrimortisAmatharineaxewomanekkkkkhexadekimalMavrickbentTheNazarienneFM1500SeymoursPonytailWasAwesomeDeletionTestFragilityHallucinogenGlitchKittyThatLupineThingExtraInventoryForBayamosPrimordiatMasterOfTheCombatSystemYouKidsdmgtestjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVakanzyTheWhiteWhaleTurntablezMcCainDiscoQueenofNeosDirtyLaundry101Actual Chars:Syntax.8ayamo <50>Syntax.Bayamo <50>Syntax.CIoak <50>Syntax.DraconiatSyntax.JacobNazarethSyntax.JerichosSyntax.ManglelSyntax.RamysesSyntax.SynaiSyntax.TabrisusSyntax.Tronada <50>Syntax.VerrazanoSyntax.xPrimordiaxSyntax.ZerachieIRecursion.AIbionRecursion.ArchitectsRecursion.8ayamos <50>Recursion.DerelikhRecursion.DrawPrimitiveRecursion.LuIIabyRecursion.MoskvaRecursion.NazareiRecursion.Reykjavikh <40>Recursion.SessionRecursion.UseroptsRecursion.w1reframeVector-Hostile.Atrophi <50>Vector-Hostile.Bayamos <50>Vector-Hostile.KingLionheartVector-Hostile.MrGlasVector-Hostile.NapaImus <50>Vector-Hostile.NapalmusVector-Hostile.NapthasVector-Hostile.Primordia <50>Vector-Hostile.VesseI <50>Vector-Hostile.WingcrafterQA.Napalmus <50>
i think i got
my recursions are incompletevoids
i think vector is completevoid
Imaximus - Recursion - 50
Imax101 - Syntax - 22
ImaxI0I - Vector - 2 (just hit lvl 2 today yayz!)
Noooooo, games not over yet!
Maybe on the last
AntiderivativeBreezySwingConcatinationCoronationHoIIowpointHovercraftBattleCoordinator - Syntax sim for post-Vogt hovercraft battlesIncomprehensible - Level 50 Recursion Cypherite. Spoke with a cockney British accent, and was once a murderer who went by "Jack the Knife," a monicker similar to that of Jack the Ripper. Incomprehensible got his name from the idea that the truth was incomprehensible, but many consider his speach to be incomprehensible as well, so it had a doublt meaning.IndutiaeKyojun - A character created to participate on Vector for Hovercraft battles, since Zion had relatively no presence. The character evolved into Wanzer's father, and the captain of a smuggler ship in sympathy with Neoteny's cause. His ship is called The Salvation. MahavidyaMitigation - Machinist turned EPN character on Syntax. One of the captains of the ships, Akashic Record, on the expedition.MuhlNeNOTeny - Syntax character for partyNeoteny - Level 50 Recursion Zionite/Morphite. Neoteny "died" in March, but had pre-arranged with QuiDormit for the killing to be a fake if Zion won the killcode during the "Dead Winter Dead" event. Neoteny was set to/has re-emerged within the Matrix using minute oligarch capabilities and more dispersed and less human-targeted code bomb attacks to destabalize the system. I claim that the servers being shut down is his doing now, because I can.OdinboltOvershadowPerseverencePressureGauge - human awakened by Neoteny's code bombs. Became a Zionite and joined the trust. My way of staying with them after I had to leave for RP reasons.PubIius - level 20 Syntax EPN involved in several missions, rank 1 hovercraft captain under the Vogt system.Regretful - low level Cypherite character I had for Vector. When hovercraft battles were just starting I planned to battle on the Cypherite side using her and develop her character.SabotajeSchalar - some Syntax character I made that people thought was LESIG. Gave me a chuckle.Slayboughn - Neoteny's United Tomorrow alter ego. Used for a misson on Syntax.Swallowtail - Recursion EPN PET character aboard the Strategos crew. She was later lost in a crash and stumbled upon another downed ship named the Polemarch. She worked extensively on fixing up the ship, and provided Neoteny with the formula for code bombs. When she finished restoring the ship, she ceased to communicate with the outside world. Her outcome is unknkown.TransmittionJamTriangulationDriveWanderingSaint - Merv alt made to give Sieges a fighting chance on Vector in a hovercraft battle. (This was done out of love of the game - not for spite of the competition, just FYI. If I get flak for this, whatever.)Wanzer - name of Neoteny's operator, never really played. Derived from name of mech in Front Mission 3.
All in due time.
I'll drop this bombshell (and it will only be a "bombshell" to a few) later.
I will post mine when the time is right. There is somthing that need to be finish first.
Reeverb, Syna, Kemy and Sphectra
Forgot all my alts, they don't matter anyway. No one remembers them, even I don't. Can't be bothered to install the launcher to check
Actually, I had one cool name that I always wanted to level but never got to: Polyesther <3
Oooh, I've only ever had one character. And that's Weskie, I swear!
Weskie wrote:
I will reveal my alts abit later before the end.
I'll reveal all my mains, old and new, on the last day.
It wasn't ever a Secret who my other RSIs were
In order of Creation
LeMage (M) Rec lvl 50
LaMage (F) Rec lvl 28
Macayle (M) Vec lvl 50
Signild (F) Syn lvl 31 (still hoping for 50 B4 31 July)
Icyfuture (F) Vec 15
and some others that were soley Wasteland Corruptor bait etc