Yea I would have thought that was obvious, it was about the attack on the building, since their next line is..
"I think they're trying to save him"
Wait, wait, brainstorm. Better write this down here before I forget. Chapter 12.1: Morpheus returns, has Smith's babies.
Euggh... Mpreg might be one of my guilty pleasures, but I don't wanna think about that!
:: Note to self:: Send Rare the link to the brain-destroying fanfiction where the Merovingian Mpreg-nates Smith.
Reflective black crocodile skin diapers?
I thought it had a double meaning of sorts. As in Smith doesn't know that they're trying to save Morpheus, but also that he doens't know what he's doing. That's the way it came across to me. But then again, it could just be bad acting.