I think as long as the paths of both characters are clearly made out, the contradictions between the two storylines aren't that confusing. What I really don't understand sometimes is where the hell my partner is.
The first time dilemma of that sort appears in the "City Rooftops" mission: Niobe and Ghost both arrive in the car together. Why is it only one of them running around the rooftops and escaping from Agent Johnson? From where does your partner pop out suddenly to shoot the Agent, before he/she disappears again? If he/she is hiding out somewhere around the area and takes the phone before or after you, why do both wake up simultaneously? Somehow, I've had the suspicion that they are actually supposed to be together and cooperate all the time.
The Airport mission is perfect and fully understandable, and in the Sewers, they just swap places once more. And the Chateau mission can also be interpreted in a logical way (your partner just gets captured in one of his/her confrontation).
However, I really don't get the Power Plant scenario. When your characters jumps into the corridor from the hatch on the ceiling, where is the other one? Has he entered the building or the construction site in an other way, or do they enter it together and then go apart when leaving the building (in the first level)?
Then, they actually go different paths when trying to enter the Power Plant. However, the way they go through the door in the construction site and then enter the nuclear transport area is quite mysterious to me.
Oh, and there it goes again, where is your partner in the third level? Does he just enter the area at another time and faces identical resistance up until the "Transformator Field 2"? After that, they meet again and then finally go different paths? Just where is Ghost when you need him? The second time Ghost's supposed to help Niobe as a sniper, he isn't even there in the Niobe version. But meh, that's tolerable.
In the Chinatown level, Ghost's version would be an alternate scenario because if you consider the movies canon (umm, they are canon, aren't they? :smileyindifferent: ), Niobe is the one meeting the Oracle. Of course, it's still weird how Niobe doesn't come to telling anyone about the Trainman or Smith, or doesn't even seem to remember it -- but that's a different topic and is going to be discussed another time :smileywink:
Message Edited by zeroone5069 on 05-18-2006 06:09 AM