Thanx God daniel was there today and quikcly alerted me meanwhile i was investigating something on Vector, so i can jack in Syntax and retrive the data.
We uploaded the data to Catalyn on the Hope
I'm Daniel. Yes, infact. Yestarday I saw sognatrice and after she was down I took one.
Congratulations to the Oneironauts and a big thanks to you, as well. This is another factor that will provide us leveredge in the ongoing war.
Tonite Sognatrice show up again.
Thanx to the efforts of Othinn she was blocked in Mara and he achieve to pickup one disk from her.
But this time she was resoluted to upload the disks, so she tried to do that in downtown and international, but Othinn, Sharas, me, and Microprocessore, teamed up and hunt her.
In this way we achieved the retrivial of 2 other disks for a total of 3.
Unfortunately, she accomplished her mission in westview, at the abandoned station, where with the help of the chyp operative bulletooth she uploaded one of the disk.
At that point some EPN crusaders lvl 54 bump in and try to stop her , but she leaved jacking out.
I uploaded the disk retrived from me and Sharas to Catalyn to the hope, i don't know what Othinn do with the one he get.
I want to say thanx to Othinn, cause without him we maybe get only one disk.
How many disk we have in total and how many lost?
Thank you for your detailed report, SEPET. A job well done!
As soon as Catalyn confirms the upload of the disks which you retrieved last night, this will be our status:
Cypherites: 3 disks
EPN: 6 disks
Reports confirm that sognatrice was involved in a battle in Mara C last night. She was attacked by a warrior who obviously had no clue about the disk she was carrying.Fortunately DanielTevor came by to loot the disk.Daniel reports that he then met with sognatrice for a talk. She tried to convince him that the path he chose was wrong.Suddenly Okelani from Pandorra XII showed up and interrupted that meeting.sognatrice was alerted and tried to upload the disk by herself. She was attacked by the Merovingian operative during the upload process. sognatrice was able to defend herself and started the upload process again when suddenly Okelani came back with backup.I don't think that it is good that the Merovingians noticed this business.After a battle with Okelani, freshman1 and NOSHKS, sognatrice wasn't able to escape. Merovingian operative NOSHKS now has a disk. Who knows what they do with it. We should try and get it from them. We all know how venal they are.EPN 7CYPH 3MERV 1
Yes, agree. I've another disk of Sognatrice.
Tonite I had a meeting with Okelani, maybe we got a deal... more news soon
sognatrice uploaded another disk last night.
There is no way to reason with her, we try a last time soft approach, but looks like she won't hear us......
She escape on a train then succeed to upload the disk......
Next time we first shoot then ask.....
Daniel reported that he was just a few seconds too late to cancel sognatrice upload today. Don't worry, crusaders. I think that it's time to stop negotiating. Like SEPET suggested: Let guns do all the talk from now on.
Ok we got a deal with the mervs.....
Okelani was a kind one , but she's not exactly what i call a free-price seller.....
Well some say the best deal is the one where dealer and buyer finish the deal both unsatisfied......
it was not easy find what she want, but me and Daniel want that disc so much, and we Believe!!
We already sended the disc to Catalyn on the Hope.
Roolith update the roster to 8 for EPN, just two disc needed...
Well done, crusaders.
Merovingians may have given us just a copy of the disk. That's why they probably still have one.
One more to go. Good job, DanielTevor and magiq.