K so like not sad news!. Yeah when I posted that I thought he was leaving like forever. Its a girl thing ok. When any gamer I think is really awesome I get really sad if they leave, but now he's back! Thats right, not sure for how long but he's back! I promiss next time he leaves not to get a girly like and make the post sond like someone died lol.
(Well for me its sad.
Anyways...It is with much regret that I have to inform all vector and non vector epn operatives that last night I got an e-mail from Pentothal. He will no longer be jacking into the matrix. I know he had a great time with you all and I know he will miss you all very much. I am unsure who else was told about this, but I just thought incase you were wondering you all should know.Pen was my favorite liaison, he was a great warrior in battle and I will miss him always. I wish him the best in life.Farewell my friend.)
Pent was awesome. He had no problem coming out and PvPing with the rest of us, and doing his liason duties. Hopefully, he comes back later.
Haha i seriously lol'd
One piece of... good liaison! Seriously Pent. you did awesome for Vector. Now we have all those yellow tagged factions and it's for one reason only - you. Very active and a stand up pvp guy as well, hate to see you go and hope you'll reconsider at one point. ... ehm....... *some* do that from time to time.. :/.... All the best to whatever you get your mittens on in the future. =)
Who knows what is on the horizon for vector!
Pent was great. He is right up there with Ket in my book. I feel like he really tried to get EPN the good events on vector and really cared about if they were fun and went smoothly. I miss those days and will miss interacting with him.
He was an awesome liaison...
Agreed he supported ELITE and TT!
Good player
tbh when i first saw the thread title i thought somebody died, anyone else thought that too?
Manatik wrote:
Tbh i thought the same O_o
lol didn't mean it to seem like someone died sorry
Pentothal: What about me being "emo"?
Maybe he was just referring to you crying everytime i kill you?;p