TheRedPhoenixx wrote:
OOO that colour is sooo 'you' SD
hehe i'll switch ya!
SaintDaniel wrote:
TheRedPhoenixx wrote:OOO that colour is sooo 'you' SD hehe i'll switch ya!
Nooo I love my pink...wish it was red
Yasamuu wrote:
Ive had a look around the forums and it seems that most of em ive seen are mainly mech o_O bah, me no likey the colour anyways looks like that snowcone (snowball ice cream) i ate... and that spat out afterwards
New Rank?? W00t!
I wanna rainbow colorz on my name, liek thiz: SajghO
I thought it was for being signed up the first day soe took over which was aug 15th 2005, but that ddoesnt seem to be the case either
I dont think so cuz i checked my profile and:
Ranking: Ascendent Logic
Registration date: 09/05/2005 06:49:34
Number of messages posted: [1006] Messages posted by SajghO
Created topics: [25] Topics created by SajghO
I think its a matter of threads/posts made by each of us.
This is about u SD:
Ranking: Systemic Anomaly
Registration date: 08/15/2005 15:27:13
Number of messages posted: [1785] Messages posted by SaintDaniel
Created topics: [62] Topics created by SaintDaniel
I guess is just a new color for that rank..../shrug
too many anomalies I'd
I was offline for a couple months last year and about a month and a half this year, so I don't get the purdy culurz yet
They throw in new ranks into the mix, about a year back when Virrago took over from Raijinn he changed the ranking system to rely more on your registration date and because these forums began on the 15th of August there are a lot of people who's registration began on that date. Whenever a new rank is introduced it usually comes with a really long period to wait before you can get the rank and a low number of posts.
Simply put anybody registered on the 15th of August will get the new rank then the next day people who registered on the 16th of August will get the new rank and so forth. So I'll get the rank on 19th of January 2009 and Sajgh will get it on 18th of December theoretically, according to this thread
What is the color of Fail?
I'll be teh next systemic anomaly then.....zomg am i N30xxx?
Sooooo...What would I be if I wasnt Pink????
Villemar_MxO wrote: