Party name: Special Party Hosted In-time for New-year and Xmas... AKA SPHINX, it's a tribute to our favourite party place: Club Sphinx 
Total pay out is set at 1bil, it's a pretty low pay out BUT with 6 months inactivity best I can do
Pay out planning:
2 x 10.000.000
2 x 20.000.000
2 x 30.000.000
2 x 40.000.000
2 x 50.000.000
4 x 75.000.000
4 x 100.000.000
This is enough to keep going for about 9 hours, provided the shedule of 1 price every 30 mins is maintained.
Due to a donation pyro left behind there will be also 5 x a 50.000.000 snowballfight, making grand total 1.25bil (
Date, time: friday 19th, 10PM GMT/ 5PM EST / 2 PM PST (I think, little rusty there
Make sure you bring holliday hats and snowballs.
This is a The Anomalies hosted party, please remind that we don't allow any other type of fighting then the planned snowball fights... breaking the rule or cheating in the snowball fight will result in disqualification.
Any fights / duels that DO happen should happen outside.
Please be nice to people at the party, it's a party afterall, not a PVP match.
Poster: N/A was uable to create one in the short amount of time that was left...
Note: New players are welcome too, all you need to do is get to Club Sphinx in Dannah Heights - Richland if you are unable to walk there ask help from a higher level.
You only need to be present at the party to be able to win (random drawing / best clothed etc.)
Radio: none as of yet first to offer gets the deal, original plan was to use TAR (The Anomalies Radio) but at moment of writing it's still off-air