CPT_Starschwar wrote:
GoDGiVeR wrote:Noice. The only thing that disturbs me is the nuclear bomb in that kiss scene, there hasn't been one in the original comic; the desctruction was caused by something else.The A-bomb kiss was in a dream sequence in the comic.Anyone know the name of the new song? Not as moody as the other one, but it works.
GoDGiVeR wrote:
Noice. The only thing that disturbs me is the nuclear bomb in that kiss scene, there hasn't been one in the original comic; the desctruction was caused by something else.
The A-bomb kiss was in a dream sequence in the comic.
Anyone know the name of the new song? Not as moody as the other one, but it works.
Muse - Take A Bow
From what I understand, (and just going by what my room mate has told me that he read) They showed the film to a test audiance and the ending is drasticly different from the comic's. Needless to say people were not happy with that at all. I'll try and find a link to the article.
found it
According to that article, those who saw it were perfectly happy with it.
Sounds like it'll play better in theaters, and work better for the big screen in my opinion.
What the hell. I think the original ending would have worked as well, but I guess they had to cut out all those sub-stories, where at the end you noticed were part of the grande finale.
its now officail fox sucks fox won the case on who had original Copyright case and now seek to delay the movie as well
im gonna be really annoyed if this gets pushed back to next year....
nubious81 wrote:
its now officail fox sucks fox won the case on who had original Copyright case and now seek to delay the movie as wellhttp://www.comingsoon.net/news/movi...ws.php?id=51577im gonna be really annoyed if this gets pushed back to next year....
Epic fail.
Next year is in two days.
Just thought I would put that out there... =P
But yeah... Fox sucks donkey phallus.
MxO-PhanthomZtryker wrote:
Next year is in two days.Just thought I would put that out there... =PBut yeah... Fox sucks donkey phallus.
yeah well i ment 2010 since its already coming in 09
well i was reading there planning 3 dvd cuts for the film theatric cut and extended cut both come out same day and then a full extended cut Comes out late 09 wich will be about 3hrs and 30 mins probally more.
According to this interview, the extended cut will be the first DVD release, followed by the Ulitmate cut in the fall.
Nice that they're not going to milk us into buying three versions, but only two.
Also... this is only concept art, mind you but it would seem that Rorschach will be in DCUO. Must investigate further.
if you have a ps3 and live in the UK Home will be taken over by the watchmen i belive it either starts tommorw or Tuesday watchmen clothing will be in the store free of charge costumes of Rorschach and OWL and a Watchman Logo tshirt and on the 6th a special q/a session in time for the uk premire will also happen as well
heres the full story
IGN (Aus) review!
The Keene Act and You
Comic Con 2008 footage
Less than 7 days, people.
cnn had a good interview with Snyder gives some ideas warner wanted orgianlly bascly ur normal superhero movie good guys win and pg 13 raiting and sequels down the road im very glad Snyder didnt cave in