[CoZ]LostProphet wrote:Neo dodged bullets because he bent the rules of the Matrix. He flew because he *broke* the rule of gravity.We can bend rules, we can break others, we can't break gravity.
Message Edited by RemyBurke on 12-07-2005 06:36 PM
You can bend the rules of the Matrix, but not its engine.
Message Edited by olink on 12-08-2005 04:19 PM
Grace of Darkness wrote:sorry to bring this issue back up again, but I just had to put my two cents in. This was already discussed during beta, even if we could fly it would cause major lag issues, and yes as stated before if we could all fly there would be no use for hardline except to jackout. The only reason they gave Neo the power to fly is because he is the one, he is supposed to represent Jesus just like Smith represents the Devil, if you put that into context of the real world it stil only be Jesus and the Devil flying around and all the humans would only be jumping everywhere. So no, NO FLYING/Hyper-Flight/Floating/Hovering!!!
At best, I think it would be great if the skill buffed super-jump or the distance we could jump.
No flying though.