## Broadcast depth ## Incoming transmission... ## Drisena // HvCFT Logos II ## Encryption activated
The following message is encrypted, I will be contacting operatives for the decoding keys, please note, at most 2 operatives from any single faction will be provided the key. This is a new security procedure, in light of previous hacking attempts.
/run: encryption /key: *********
kPcP4W PWG.PY=JM[-f6X.J]QZJ[Q[-6 6YV!]4a PTLJSXa )N+O6V@{S4 Y[4 (LY: YNYJ[R.{P4=(PWM
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Drisena Zion Liaison Officer
## Carrier Lost...
Ready and waiting, but could someone please explain this to me, newbie does not understand this !!!
Thanks for the reply, who is my liaisons ??? Sorry for all the questions
Hope you guys aren't poker players, I call your bluffs: Last, akem.
k=S[4X+YO[@XNYO6 +[NGdSXG.YXaO6,;b6T.+,4a(L GaSR-JXNV'[AG fNG@PJYfC4RJh{[!PWV