I'm not a pvper by any means, but I would do this probably a LOT if this was implemented well. The "reward" for controlling the hill, whatever it may be, should be something worth the fight though. Might be interesting if you could put hooks into the game that reported how long the hill has been held by the current owner (pwner) org on the Web, with things like "shortest time held" "longest time held" with breakdowns for org, faction, crews, individuals, etc. I like your thinking on this, Not sure if this is something that the devs could pull off at the start, given the amount of time it took to get a CQ list going. I know they Already have much on their plates so I wanted to try and implement the idea with as much already created content as possible. As for the location, I'm thinking it could be a club or maybe the top floor of a building. Perhaps the area hides a door which leads to a special construct, kind of like the white hallways, where consumables or luggables or whathaveyou can be farmed/acquired? Although a Nice Idea, this might be too much. As I said above, if we could use Already made conent in new ways it makes the process easier to pull off. I was thinking of the already existing access node locations for these points. In fact I'll probably go search for likely candidate locations soon. Rarebit and the dev team should seriously consider doing this. /as
Locations for these nodes starting out. You could do one per district. Here are what I think would be Fun places to battle for each district.
Gracy Heights
There are so many Interesting places here.
Union Hill
Oh and to borrow a bit of coloring from Steele's battleground Idea, Note the colors above. these colors could be used as a lighting color for the node once hacked and lasting until the node is reset.