Why is this forum soooo buggy?
I can surf round every other forum (any web page in general for that matter) i visit just fine on both my work pc (which as a member of an admin team is beastly) and my laptop / pc at home (again, im pretty lucky to have good machines) yet when i come to this forum i cant use the icons next to last posts, i find it hard to navigate around in general, the page doesnt load, page doesnt load fully and its generally just terribley slow?
Is it just me or has the community accepted the fact that this forum is pants!?
I suggest we raise a petition to get it fixed then because this is terrible.
Ive never seen such a poor webpage/ forum from such a large company!
As a paying user of this website, the SOE Web Team's attitude towards the MxO website seems pretty disgusting. Virrago has already told us how he would like the website (making the News Page the main page), and Rarebit has sent them all the details they need to make a CQ leaderboard... nothing happens...
It cant be because they cant do it as Monolith didn't wrap the Sony Website Database in lasers, its because 'they have more important things to do' ("You do realise the red in the Everquest II logo has to be 1 shade lighter than THAT! CHANGE IT NOW!" Or they just sit in an office doing nothing, and occasionally turn all the websites off for a while saying they are doing 'maintenence' as to make it look like they are doing something
Either way, free forums work better than this, and it needs sorting.
yet again MxO is the bottom of the list for SOE.
MattRobson wrote:yet again MxO is the bottom of the list for SOE. Now are you talking about the website or just the forums? Because if your talking about the forums then I hate to say it but it's like this for all of the SOE games... we are all blessed with this wonderful forum program!But if you are talking about the website... then ya... I agree " />
As a matter of fact, I think Infantry receives more monetary allowance than MxO...
Or they just sit in an office doing nothing, and occasionally turn all the websites off for a while saying they are doing 'maintenence' as to make it look like they are doing something " />
Maintenance periods never result in anything. They're just Web Presence having a laugh. 'Make them think we're doing something!' they bellow across the tumbledown, cubicle strewn wasteland that is their office.
How do I setup an Avatar and Signature in my Profile? I don't see any options for it...