My own perspective and metaplot, along with plenty of RP and RPvP contributions I've decided to include as noteworthy perspectives from other players. I'm sorry about not including Zion, EPN, or Cypherites because I spent alot of time dealing with Machine, and Merovingian thoughts and actions the most. So I've set things up a little bit differently this time around. I've always liked the tension between humans working for the machines and their interaction with Exiles as well as humans lending their Awakened services to the Merovingian. After all, they're all still human, right? So why do they kill each other; why choose sides and abandon their humanity? It also helps to have some background story for the coming chapters.
Just throwing back an archive to the community and trying to encourage others to do something similar with some leet rpeezftmfw.
[o] Exile [o] System
Can't be everywhere at once. - W4rbl4de
Recruitment. - Dark Mavericks
Go Back to Sleep. - W4rbl4de
Rogue. - W4rbl4de
Code Infection. - W4rbl4de
Take This Morning as a Warning. - Insertion [ Death of Apothecary ]
Target Lost. - W4rbl4de & Insertion
Femme Fatale. - Tytanya
EJP Incomplete. - Outlash
The Real. - W4rbl4de
Vengeful Thinking. - W4rbl4de