ArchDuke wrote:
Changes and Improvements An item's mouseover information will now indicate if the item has purity or stability that never decays. Good idea! I'm pretty sure this only applies to the Fan Faire, Beta, Blue Sky, Burning Eye, and Security clothing, right?
Changes and Improvements
Good idea! I'm pretty sure this only applies to the Fan Faire, Beta, Blue Sky, Burning Eye, and Security clothing, right?
Assassin's Mask, Awakening Glasses/Jacket, Anniversary Stuff (I think?)
GodTier wrote:
ArchDuke wrote:Changes and Improvements An item's mouseover information will now indicate if the item has purity or stability that never decays. Good idea! I'm pretty sure this only applies to the Fan Faire, Beta, Blue Sky, Burning Eye, and Security clothing, right?Assassin's Mask, Awakening Glasses/Jacket, Anniversary Stuff (I think?)
Yeah those too. Also, all the org reward clothing Ch 1-4 and 5-8 (System Suit, Blood Noble Trench, etc.) which I didn't expect.
Back to the actual topic. Having resolved the yesterdays trouble with my Station Launcher, I was finally able to discover the Zion part of the 12.1 quest... And even if I still haven't finished the 12.1.3 mission (I guess it will take some time), I have to say now:
The 12.1 Zion quest is just awesome!
It's much better than I would ever expect it to be. Two thumbs up to Rare!
I have killed at least 10 level 55 override functions. They have not dropped 1 shell for me. am i killing the wrong npc's?
Iammagnus wrote:
I would like to know this also..was testing it myself..but my playtime is limited and I'm a bit puzzled
I just killed 2 override executable's level 55 and they did not drop anything. We killed the lvl 60 lastnight and nothing. What is going on here?
Good update I guess, was kinda hoping for a white jayne half duster like ghosts to match everything.
You guys are doing it wrong. EDIT: Not giving you any help. inb4 "IF I CAN'T GET CONTENT HANDED TO ME THEN F THIS S"
Nvm, figure it out yourself.
I don't know what the "shells" are. I've spent a couple of hours searching South Vauxton for accelerated exile groups that have the particles needed to start Merovingian 12.1.2.
I found two groups, dropping particles 2 and 3. Can't find the groups dropping particles 1 and 4. Rooftops and inside buildings, no luck.
Particle 2 group -2000 1 -822
Particle 3 group -1243 1 -885
Pretty large area around both those coordinates that have those groups.
Anyone found the groups with 1 and 4 yet? If so, where?
The white boots are sweet. *What!?*
Architects screens shuts down... launcher doesn't work... what's there not to understand, you do one thing it affects another... that's pretty simple, right?
so, discussing update...
Haven't done all of the 12.1 yet, but I like what i see so far. Main thing that pleases me is that you don't have to run the mishes over and over to get the item for the next mission. Running it once, and then going to a neighborhood and battling/farming there FEELS more authentic to me, like the farming is actually part of the story. So kudos there, that had been my major beef wit the last series, trying to get the pens and bits just to trade em to do the next mish.
The 12.1 items look pretty good, don't like em all, and im sure there will be some "my org/sex/bodytype got gipped" type of complaints, but I gotta give em credit for trying.
On the Winter stuff, overall good except.... /facepalm.... now im gonna be the one whining about "my sex got gipped".
BATHROBES!?!?! /doublehandfacepalm
I wouldn't even say anything if men had also gotten them, and I see how this is kind of a reversal from last year (last year women got shirts, and men got outerwear, this year vice versa) but.... GAH!
As I WASN'T one of the women complaining about the loss of the pantless Gi's, and i never wore Gi's irregardless, I am dissapointed. My main grief here is that, as a "dress" for women, the robes cover up, or look cruddy with, everything else in the way of winter clothes. The new mens vests are AWESOME, can be used with all the other holiday gear, and will go well with lots of other clothes besides. The bathrobes will only be useful for when I've finished bathing in the simulation, which is, umm, never, or when i perform in a strip club, which is, umm, never... the collector blithely saying how "women seem to love em, even when they're not bathing " or some such only makes me want to throttle his sexist a**!!
I am an Operative. I wear clothing appropriate to being an Operative.
K done, had to say it... white boots and white stockings rock, as do the snowglobes, and this just means I will have to spend less time getting stuff.
Iammagnus wrote:I just killed 2 override executable's level 55 and they did not drop anything. We killed the lvl 60 lastnight and nothing. What is going on here?You guys are doing it wrong. EDIT: Not giving you any help. inb4 "IF I CAN'T GET CONTENT HANDED TO ME THEN F THIS S"
Some people have lives, just putting it out there.
Only one that drops the Override Kernel(Ops) is the Level 70 Override Executable.