This 'ere thread is to post pics of all those chars that hit 50 in the final two months...then maybe we can find out, who exactly is the FINAL 50
I'll start with me Syntax Character...
That finally makes a 50 on each server, woohoo!
Grats, Dulux!
That'd be pretty cool if we had a First 50 and Last 50 title. Though I'm pretty sure whomever was the very first 50 probably doesn't play anymore
Must create and level HannahMontana to 50.
Yasamuu wrote:
I'm pretty sure Xboxster already created a HannahMontana char. =)P
i just hit 50 with KaosAngel a few days ago. on vector hostile, making me have 3 on the server each in a different org..
imax wrote:
Yasamuu wrote:Must create and level HannahMontana to 50.I'm pretty sure Xboxster already created a HannahMontana char. =)P
Bollocks. :'(